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How to Fit Breakfast Into Your Busy College Schedule

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Professionals claim that eating breakfast every morning helps students improve their grades, increase concentration, maintain healthy weight, raise energy levels, and speed up their metabolism. Although it may seem impossible to fit breakfast into your busy college schedule, here are some of the best ways to ensure that you grab a bite before class.

1. Start Small

Eating things like granola bars or a banana on the way to classes is a great way to get some quick energy for the day. Not only are fruits and granola relatively healthy (watch out for added sugar content in granola and granola bars though!), they taste good and are easy to grab on the go.

2. Wake up earlier

This is the most unenjoyable option, but waking up earlier gives you more time to prepare and eat a hearty breakfast. Try setting your alarm clock half an hour earlier to help you get up sooner so you can have more time to eat.

3. Plan your meals

Planning ahead of time when you’re going to eat each meal of the day can help you schedule in breakfast. This is especially useful for when you have back to back classes and no time for lunch, which means you should plan for a large breakfast instead.

4. Prepare your food ahead of time

Making your meals ahead of time will eliminate the extra time in the morning that you would need to prepare a real breakfast. One great option is overnight oats. Simply put milk, uncooked oatmeal, and fixin’s such as fruit, honey, or peanut butter into a jar or bowl, and keep it in the fridge until the morning. When you wake up, your meal will be prepared! This is a great option for people who take a long time to get out of bed in the morning.

5. Grab a meal to go

If all else fails, you can always snag a bite to eat after you’ve left your house. A donut from Dunkin might not be the healthiest every-day option, but sometimes you have to #treatyoself.

Remember that what you eat for breakfast will give you energy throughout the day! Sugary breakfast choices may satisfy your sweet tooth, but have you sleeping by your second class. In order to stay both satisfied and alert in class, opt for items such as eggs, fruits, yogurt, or granola to give you a combo of carbs, fats, and proteins to fuel your day. Still, any breakfast is more nutritious than no breakfast at all – so don’t go hungry!


Temple sophomore majoring in journalism and film. Lover of big cities, delicious food, and awesome films.
Temple University, 2019. Magazine journalist and editor, fitness instructor, health and wellness enthusiast. Proponent of lists, Jesus, and the Oxford comma. Will do anything for an iced oatmilk latte. Follow my journey: Twitter + Instagram: @sarah_madaus