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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

How to feel more control while facing the trenches, a.k.a your 20s. 

Julia Fox recently said, “Getting old is f***ing hot. Ok, it is sexy. It is probably the sexiest time in life, actually, because being pretty and hot in your 20s is the f***ing trenches. Ok? And I’m not going back there.” 

With advice from friends, mentors, and the internet, here is a compilation of some healthy habits that anyone can start today to feel more in control of the trenches that are your 20s.  

  1. Focusing on kindness 

When asked for advice on how to be a better person, specifically at 21, many people in my network have responded, “kindness.” Spreading kindness doesn’t just improve the world, but also your own well-being. For example, acting with kindness completely alters our point of view, like being kinder to ourselves with the things we buy or the people we interact with. 

  1. Figuring out your interests 

Personal coaches like Bridgett Battles are inspirational for figuring out what you like or don’t like. Knowing these fine details and adjusting them to our routines can help make life in our 20s more enjoyable. It can help us learn how we work best, whether it be in group settings or individually, or what time of day you feel most productive 

  1. Practice gratitude 

No matter what circumstances we’re faced with, there’s always something that we can be thankful for. There are many different ways to practice this, like writing it out, sharing with someone, or even just thinking about it. It’s vital that we remind ourselves throughout our 20s that there are so many things to be grateful for.  

  1. Exercise 

Starting the habit of moving our bodies every day can range from slow, intentional movements to high-intensity workout. It’s important to find the time to move your body and release hormones, and you’ll ultimately be taking care of your physical and mental health. 

Combining all of these things into our daily lives throughout our 20s could help us survive the trenches, and make it the best “low point” that we’ll experience in our lives. 

A redhead who has a passion to persuade and create. I am Rose Mastrangelo from the Philadelphia area, a senior studying at Temple University. My current obsession is horticulture and repurposing second hand materials. I will never get tired of sunsalutions first thing in the morning. Let's grow together.