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5 Things Every Girl Should Know Before Hitting the Gym

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

The first thing every girl should know before hitting the gym is that nobody is JUDGING you. I know I used to be concerned about what other people thought of me while I was working out. I learned to cope with this. You don’t even notice the other people around you once you get in your zone. I put my headphones in, then start my walk/running workouts on the treadmill first.

You have to remember that everybody in the gym is focusing on bettering themselves, they aren’t just staring at you — even though it may feel that way at first. 

Next, try mapping out a workout in your head or on your phone so you can make the most of your time at the gym and give yourself a simple plan to follow. Wandering around the gym like a lost duck with their head chopped off can add to any self-consciousness you’re already feeling, so it’s best to just keep moving. No matter what you choose to do at the gym, whether it be a simple stretch or a full-cardio workout, just try something. For example, I look up easy workouts online through my phone. If I’m confused about the way it works, or the specific machine, I usually ask someone around me for advice. Everyone at the gym is there to better themselves, and should be more than happy to point you in the right direction. While it can feel awkward to have to reach out to someone else for help, ultimately everyone was in your shoes once, and therefore shouldn’t have any reason not to answer your questions. If nobody knows the answer, I’ll try watching Youtube videos about working out to build my overall understanding of different machines and how they work. Every week I try to set up a new routine, because sometimes they get old, which leads to boredom and lack of motivation. When routines get old, I try to make the workouts harder. This helps me stay motivated, and will likely benefit you too the next time your workout is starting to feel drab.

The next thing to understand before hitting the gym is the equipment! Understanding how machines work before you’re using them is key to a safe and successful workout. Like I mentioned above, it can be daunting to ask for help or to step outside your comfort zone. But ultimately, people will most likely want to help you. The last thing you need is a pulled muscle or a broken leg because the weight was too heavy. For example, my favorite workout to do is the squat machine. When I use the squat machine, you have to make sure your feet are strapped in all the way or it won’t work properly. Next, you have to choose the weight you wish to squat. For any first timers, I suggest you start very small. People think they can squat their body weight the first time and can end up really hurting themselves. I always start at a small weight, then work my way up higher and higher. Week after week, I feel my legs getting stronger so I know I’m doing something right. If you’re sore,  you know you did a good job working your body out. Ideas on getting to know the equipment better would be researching them online, watching people in the gym/ online use the machines through video, or reading the description on the side of the machine. Don’t let a foreign machine keep you from getting your gains!

Looking to lose weight? Tone your body? I know most people already know this, but if you aren’t happy with your weight, or are looking to tone different muscle groups, then the gym can be your new happy spot. Of course, your motivations for going to the gym should come from a place of positivity and self-love– and exercise should never be a punishment. Love yourself, and enter the gym with confidence knowing you’re doing good for your body, regardless of how it equates in trivial things like calories burned or pounds lost. You can find yourself at the gym, and it’s proven that every human needs their alone time. The gym could be your alone time, even though you aren’t technically alone! I strongly believe in putting in your headphones, playing your favorite playlist and grinding for at least 30 minutes. I promise when you leave the gym you’ll be feeling much better mentally and physically!!! <3

LIVE A HEALTHY LIFE. EAT HEALTHY, BREATHE HEALTHY, BE HEALTHY. You don’t have to go every single day, but it would definitely benefit your overall health. Your health should be your main concern. Especially your mental health. If you ever feel low about yourself, consider going to the gym. Moving your body is a great way to boost your overall mood. You’ll get your mind off of things and you can even have a beautiful view of Broad Street if you choose to go to TUF Gym. I personally think TUF is the best gym on campus for many reasons. They have the most machines to choose from and, in my opinion, it’s the cleanest gym. The staff is super nice and supportive as well! With all of this information in mind, I hope you now feel ready to hit the gym and motivated to break a sweat!

Senior at Temple University :)