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How Quarantine Sparked My Love for Film

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

At the age of fifteen, all I’d ever known was books. From genres of fantasy to horror and sci-fi. Immersed in a land of fiction, I wrote short stories and filled the pages of every notebook I’d received.  

In school, whenever we had to write or draw what we wanted to be in the future, I was always at a loss for words. In elementary school, I drew a picture of me becoming a teacher because I loved my fourth-grade English teacher. In middle school, I wrote about being a doctor because my brother wanted to be one. I guess I thought that I had to be one too. 

English has always been my favorite subject, but I never thought too much about it as a career choice. I enrolled in health classes in high school, like medical terminology and health science. I was studying to become a doctor when, in reality, my heart lay elsewhere. 

Once quarantine hit and everything was put online, it was just me and my computer. I got all my online work finished pretty quickly, but I still had to attend Zoom classes. Being fifteen and slightly oblivious, I never knew anything other than Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, and the occasional YouTube.

Now, I write this not to dismiss the calamity of COVID-19, but to find the good in the bad.

Having more time to myself, I watched a diverse range of movies and shows, finding a love for various genres. From action to sci-fi and adventure to mystery and drama. With any free time I had, I would watch movies and shows that piqued my interest. Shows like Teen Wolf, Moon Knight, The Walking Dead, and The 100. Movies such as Maze Runner, Spiderman, Narnia, and Breakthrough. The list goes on.

These films inspired me to write short scripts and made me want to learn more about the world of film. Going into my junior year of high school, I decided not to enroll in any health classes. With a newfound love of film, I knew it wasn’t my passion. 

If you have something in your heart that you want to pursue or do, I advise you to go for it. Take this as the start of a new journey or adventure. It can be learning a new language, traveling the world, or learning how to play an instrument. Whatever you do, or wherever you go, I hope it’s fulfilling.

Today, I’m a sophomore English major with a minor in communications hoping to become an author, screenwriter, and whatever else the future holds for me. I want to write stories in multiple genres and hope to impact others through my stories in the same way others’ tales impacted me.

Thank you for reading!

Winfridah Machogu is a member of Her Campus at the Texas Christian Chapter. She enjoys writing articles pertaining to the entertainment verticals on the website involving books and films. Beyond Her Campus, Winfridah is a Sophomore at Texas Christian University, majoring in English with a minor in Communications. In her free time, she enjoys reading and writing fictional stories, as well as watching various films that peak her interest (especially Marvel and Percy Jackson). Along with these, she likes taking time to learn more American Sign Language.