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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

It seems that my winter-break-relaxation mode has gotten the best of me, once again. It happens every year; as my daily responsibilities dwindle, so does my motivation to put effort in being the best me I can be. Truth be told, I’m writing this article in my pajamas, my hair in a messy bun, my makeup untouched since I came home from college, with no plans to leave my comfy and warm home after waking up at 11 am. Sure, it’s cozy and comforting after a long and stressful semester, but as the new semester starts, I am in need of a change. A glow-up, if you will. That’s right—I’m coming out of my blanket cocoon and feeling inspired to put my best foot forward. If you are also feeling stuck in a rut, I dare you to get inspired, too!

Now, when I say “glow-up”, I don’t just mean physically. A “glow-up” encompasses all things self-betterment-related, including both internal and external factors. Most of the time, internal self-betterment positively affects the external, and vice versa. So, it’s a win-win! But, for the sake of organization, I’ve decided to split this article into these two categories. 


  • Switch up your ‘do: Okay, so dramatic hair changes are often connected to the result of a crisis or awful breakup. But, they don’t have to be! Trying a new hairstyle can completely change your look for the better and make you feel so much more confident. A new style, color, highlights, or even just a regular old haircut will make you feel brand-new and ready to take on this new year! 
  • Perfect your skincare routine: I’m a firm believer that everyone should develop a skincare routine. Taking care of your skin is not only super important for its health, but it will also make you feel so much better, especially during these winter months when dry skin and chapped lips are basically a daily struggle. Get into the habit of washing, toning, and moisturizing your face every day, if you haven’t already done so. If you have, you can always throw in some other fun steps, like face masks, or my new fave: using a gua sha. This little tool reduces inflammation and massages your face, all while making me feel like I belong in an aesthetically pleasing spa. 
  • Play around with makeup: Lots of people I know never wear makeup, or only wear it when they are going out, which is completely normal and valid! Personally, though, I find that putting on just a little bit of makeup even when I’m just going to class or hanging out with friends makes me feel so much more ready for the day. Just a little bit of concealer under my eyes, some mascara, and lip balm are all I need to feel confident, but it makes all the difference! When you feel confident in the way you look, you are more likely to approach life more confidently. So, don’t feel embarrassed to want to wear makeup when you aren’t going out. The way you present yourself is for you and only you, so whether you feel best with just a clean face, a little makeup, or a full face of makeup–-do what makes you confident!
  • Dress how you want: Putting on a cute outfit is one of the quickest ways to boost my mood, even on an awful day. For me, getting up and putting on sweats makes me want to sit in my house all day, but putting on an outfit I feel good in makes me want to go out and show the world (even though I know nobody is really paying attention–-but still, it’s fun to pretend people are looking at your style). Now, this doesn’t mean you have to go out in the cutest outfit you have in your closet (unless you want to). I love staying comfortable while feeling cute, and a way I like to do this is by incorporating color and little accents into my outfits. So, I may be wearing something super simple, like jeans and a sweater, but choosing colors like red, mustard yellow, sage green, and pink make me feel like I stand out. On top of that, I love small accents, like wearing flare jeans instead of straight leg ones, adding fun jewelry, and even threading colorful beads onto my sneaker shoelaces. Sure, maybe only I notice, but it brightens my mood and makes me feel put together. 


  • Get Physical: This is one of the glow-up tips that falls in the middle of internal and external. Sure, routinely exercising will likely change the way your body looks and make you physically more fit, which in turn may make you feel more confident in how you look. But, I put this tip in the internal section because, in the end, keeping active is more about taking care of yourself and less about appearances. Whether you plan on going to the gym regularly, want to join a sports team, or simply want to get your body moving by taking a walk or doing an at-home workout, staying active in any way is always a better idea than sitting idle. Getting your heart pumping will cause the release of endorphins in your brain that help you feel happier and more awake, causing an internal glow-up. 
  • Stay healthy: Eating healthy and exercising go hand in hand. Now, I am not by any means saying you need to cut out all unhealthy foods and never snack. In fact, this is a very unhealthy way of approaching healthy eating and may leave you feeling anxious and obsessive about what you eat. But, incorporating healthy food habits into your daily intake is always a good idea. For example, I noticed last semester that I did not eat enough fruit, so this semester, I plan on buying frozen berries and making fruit smoothies a few times a week. It’s as easy as throwing some broccoli in your mac and cheese, drinking tea instead of coffee, and deciding to cook for yourself instead of going to the drive-thru. Small changes make all the difference, and you’ll feel great knowing you’re trying your best to be healthier! 
  • Learn something new: A huge confidence booster is picking up a new hobby and practicing it until you are good at it. Things get busy during the semester, but taking a bit of time every few days to practice a skill you have always wanted to learn is something I can guarantee you won’t regret. Learning how to play the guitar, paint, write poetry, tap dance, or start a podcast are all amazing skills/hobbies to have that many of us wish we could do, but never actually start learning out of fear of failure or lack of motivation. Now, during your glow-up, is your time to start! Who knows, maybe you’ll end this year with a new passion or talent you never knew you possessed. 
  • Put down your phone: This one is going to be the hardest for me. I’m guilty of going on my phone first thing in the morning, throughout the day, and right before I go to bed. Even during class sometimes (oops). It really is an addiction, and one that can be so distracting from healthier habits. I encourage you to take the plunge with me and make an effort to use your phone less. It may help to delete some apps (maybe social media, if you find it ruins your mood), leave your phone at home when going out, or simply put your phone face down and read a book instead of scrolling through TikTok before you go to sleep. 
  • Check in with yourself: Getting back into the swing of things after a long period of break and relaxation can be really hard. Checking in with your mental well being is just as important as improving your physical being during a glow-up. Are there conflicts in your mind you are having trouble resolving? What takes up most of your thoughts? How do you really feel about yourself? These are all good questions to ask yourself in order to check in and see how you are really doing. After all, your mind is the most powerful and important part of you, so you might as well take care of it. A super helpful way to do this is to journal, talk about worries with a friend or family member, and take time out of each day for self care. Make sure your mind and mental health are flourishing first, and the rest will come naturally!
Jordan is a senior Psychology major and Women & Gender Studies minor at TCNJ, with an interest in becoming a clinical psychologist in the future. In her free time, she loves making lengthy spotify playlists, drawing, trying out new recipes, and rewatching the same 5 tv shows over and over.