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Original Illustration by Gina Escandon for Her Campus Media
Wellness > Mental Health


The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

#1 Putting myself first 

Say it with me… It is time to make myself and put myself ahead of others in my life. Believe me when I tell you that you will never be truly happy if you keep putting others’ needs in front of your own. It is not selfish and does not make you a self-centered person; it simply allows you to focus on yourself and ensure that you are taking care of yourself. 

#2 Healing at my own pace 

Take as much time as possible to put back together the pieces of yourself, your heart, and your life. One of the most challenging parts of life is moving past something or someone that makes you question your worth as an individual. Allow yourself to heal and care for yourself. You will end up thanking yourself in the end. 

#3 Needing a break 

Personally, every month I give myself a couple of days, whether it is one day or a whole weekend, to be alone and spend time with myself. Allow yourself to be ok with being alone. Many people find alone time boring and useless, but in my view, it gives you a break from the rest of the world. 

#4 Having high standards

You deserve the world and more. Why are we settling for someone or something that refuses to put in the same energy you are putting into them? Stop settling and find a way to understand that you deserve to be out on a pedestal. Do not lower yourself for anything in this life.

#5 Leaving a toxic relationship

With this, I choose not to tolerate people in my life who bring negative energy. As I said above, you are worth so much more than whatever that person is giving you. This goes for anything in your life that is toxic. Say goodbye to these things and move on. 

#6 My feelings

All of your feelings and emotions are valid. If anyone is making you feel like you should not be feeling the emotions you are feeling; then they do not deserve a place in your life. Your feelings are ok. It is how you react and deal with them that really matters. 

#7 Other people’s actions 

I am only responsible for myself and how I handle events in my own life. I am not in charge of anything. I am not a babysitter nor in control of anyone. You can only control yourself at the end of the day.

#8 Not agreeing with someone

It is unrealistic to think we all have the same opinions or beliefs. You can not control the way people think but what you can control is how you react. We may disagree with a topic, but that does not mean we must lash out. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. 

#9 Being busy 

If the people in your life do not understand your lifestyle and goals, then say goodbye to them. Being busy is a good thing! Dive into your passions and goals and never apologize for that. 

#10 NEVER apologize for being yourself 

You are you for a reason. Give your heart the love it deserves because once you do you will love not only yourself but everything around you. 

Emma Pascarella is a Senior attending The College of New Jersey. Emma is majoring in Journalism&Professional writing with a minor in Psychology in hopes to be a broadcast journalist when she graduates! Emma is also a member on the women’s soccer team at The College of New Jersey. XOXO