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My top 3 favorite places to study at Texas A&M in 2023

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.
  1. Texas A&M Sterling C. Evans Library & Annex

Location: 400 Spence St. Main Campus near the Central Campus Garage

The Evans Library is a brisk walk from the hot spot of campus other than the MSC or Memorial Student Center. This is primarily because the bus stops all lead to the MSC. The Evans Library and the Annex are connected but it can also seem like two different buildings. What makes the Annex a special place to study is that it is easier to get a table than in Evans or other locations. The study rooms are glass and nicely furnished with equipment. With easier access and better comfort, it is one of the best places to study at. There are 6 floors making it a large establishment and a great selection of spots to study with groups of friends. Be careful for some places have quiet zones where students are not supposed to talk while studying.

This is a photo of a beautiful arrangement of books to inspire students to enjoy studying.

2. Sweet Eugene’s

Location: 1702 George Bush Dr. E, College Station, TX 77840

The benefit of studying at coffee shops is that they usually stay open late. Sweet Eugene’s closes at midnight which is great for procrastinators waiting for the due date at 11:59! Coffee shops offer mid-study snacks and drinks… and free restrooms. It is also a great way to have background noise if that is the type of study person you are. You can also meet many different types of people at coffee shops. Their food and drink orders come out fast and they have their own wifi! They also have a variety of foods and drinks. I was surprised to find donuts on their menu!

This is a photo of two people having a conversation while drinking coffee to inspire studying at coffee shops.

3. Memorial Student Center: The Flag Room

Location: 275 Joe Routt Blvd, College Station, TX 77843

The Flag Room has nice tables furnished with charging sockets and free chargers for students which is a huge benefit if you forget your own charger and have a low battery. It also has live piano music which I find very relaxing and nice. You can often find students sleeping in the flag room. It is also nice because no food and drinks are allowed in the flag room which does keep it very clean. The benefits of studying with calm classical piano live music mainly include stress relief in my opinion. A good and positive mindset is the most important thing to be productive and get work efficiently done in my opinion.

Emma Katelyn Nguyen is the treasurer at the Her Campus at TAMU chapter. She oversees the financial statements and accounts for Her Campus and manages member dues, cost of events, etc. Beyond Her Campus, Emma does research in neuropharmacology, volunteers at the hospital, and occasionally walks in fashion shows. She is studying Public Health for her degree. She one day hopes to become a doctor with effective communication skills and writing skills supported by the skills learned with the Her Campus family. Emma hopes to create articles that are fun light-hearted college experiences. She loves talking about culture and experiencing different kinds of culture. Along with culture, Emma enjoys traveling and gaining new perspectives to life.