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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Something walks behind me.
I can sense it.
But I can’t see it.
An unknown image in the back of my mind.
The idea of this image is heavy in my mind
because nobody can see it
You can’t see it.
I can’t see it.
How am I to explain what it is
If none of us can see it?
I don’t know what image is trying to take shape in my mind,
But I feel like it has power,
An unknown source of power.
I feel the power around me
Just like I sense something walking behind me.
Good or bad,
The power I feel from it is strong.
The power seeps from behind me
Like it wants to wrap me in it
And store me inside.
To give me energy or to take it away,
We will never know.
Never know if the power is good or bad
Because it’s just a feeling,
Not something that can be released for all to see.
We can’t release this power and see if it is half and half
Good or bad
Ying or yang
Or black or white
Because, when given the choice,
Power is both good and bad.