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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

With the spring semester coming to a close, I think it’s time we celebrate our country’s fine educators, because honestly it’s probably not a very fun job. Besides—we’re all stressed out right now, and could use a laugh. These are a few of the types of college professors I’ve come across so far in my three years as a student.

1. The professor that’s not even a professor, he’s a graduate student

This is good though, he’s cool and understands your pain.


2. The professor that has a doctorate, yet can’t maneuver PowerPoint

Seriously? I didn’t know this class was me teaching you basic technology uses. Pay up!

Speaking of PowerPoints, there’s also…

3.  The professor that demands you come to class so that you can listen to them read off the same PowerPoint verbatim that they’re going to post online. Every. Single. Day.

Try explaining that one to my parents that are selling their souls to pay for my education.


4. Those professors that are so old and sweet and just so cute that you CAN’T skip class

I once had a professor that referred to himself as a “little old Aggie Jew,” and I LOVED HIM!


5. The professor that takes the entire semester to grade a test

“I’ll have your tests graded next week, I promise!”


6. The professor you run into on Northgate

And then you slyly sprint away in the opposite direction…


7. The professor that cancels class more than you skip it

I’ve only heard of these in mere fairytales, but I would imagine waking up to a cancelled class would go something like this gif.


8. The professor that thinks they’re so funny, but they’re not

And they let you know they have taken offense to the fact that you didn’t laugh at their corny joke…


9. The one that’s so crazy that you get excited just to listen to them rant

About things that are unrelated to class

10. Finally, there is the normal professor that does their job well while making class bearable at the same time

They’re one in a million!


Thanks and Gig Em’, all of you wonderful professors!