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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

Throughout my whole life I’ve always dreamt of having a sister: Someone to hang out with on rainy days, someone to share secrets with, someone to love unconditionally. However, I never thought that this dream would ever become a reality, until it actually did.

Almost two weeks ago, I nervously went through formal recruitment in order to try and join Greek Life here on campus. Over the span of five days, I visited every sorority house on campus, trying to find where I truly felt at home. Despite it being a long and stressful five days, with the unconditional support of my wonderful recruitment counselors, I got to make one of the best decisions of my whole entire life and find my true home here on campus. Sigma Kappa.

On Sunday February 3rd, I had the opportunity to run home to my 70 new Sigma Kappa sisters and forever friends. At the time, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I just knew that based off of all my wonderful conversations and experiences in the house that this was the group of girls that I was meant to be with. From the second that I ran into their arms, I immediately felt all of the undevoted love and support that they have for one another. Because of them, my confidence within myself has skyrocketed and I have become more outgoing and eager to do things. They have already motivated me to be a better person in such a short amount of time.

Even though I have only been a part of this sorority for slightly over a week, through their simple words and actions, these girls have shown me what being there for somebody truly means. These girls do things for each other without asking questions, they reach out to ask you how your day has been, and they always have an open ear ready to listen. They are the sunshine on the cloudy days. Because of them, I know that I will never be alone in this world.

To all of my fellow Sigma Kappa sisters, I will be forever grateful to all of you who welcomed me into your family with open arms. I cannot even begin to express the impact that you have all had on me so far. I love you all so much already and I am so lucky to be able to call all of you my sisters.

Susquehanna University Student
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University