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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

Circle K is a service club at Susquehanna University that meets every Thursday at 5 p.m. in Deg Conference Room 3. You may have had a Key Club in high school, or heard of Kiwanis International, which is essentially Circle K at the next level. Both of these organizations are affiliated with Circle K. We offer a variety of service opportunities every week and there are no obligations as to how many service projects or service hours you must complete to be a member.

Below are just a few of the organizations we work with regularly:

Mostly Mutts: a local dog shelter where we often walk the dogs

Graysonview: a local nursing home where we play games and interact with residents

Ashburn’s Animals: a local rehabilitation farm where we help however we can, usually cleaning up and doing other maintenance tasks

Other organizations we have worked with in the past:

SU Campus Garden

Toys for Tots

At our meetings, we crown a “Service Member of the Week” by passing on a squirrel stuffed animal to someone who has made outstanding contributions to service that week. We also do bonding activities now and then, like movie/game nights or dinner in the caf!

I have been a part of Circle K since the very beginning of my freshman year, and I am now the secretary for the club. I stay a part of it because I love dedicating my time to service, and although I have a very busy schedule, I know being a part of Circle K will allow me constant access to service projects any time I am looking for one. My personal favorite is going to Graysonview nursing home, where we play games with the residents. It feels good to engage with the local community and to give back in ways that may seem so little to you, but are so big to others.

Our club is free unless you’d like to be a member of Circle K on an International level, which means you get a pin, certificate, and more. I highly recommend this club to anyone who is even slightly interested in service. Even if you can’t come to the meetings, send us an email at circlek@susqu.edu and we will put you on the email list so you can stay up to date with the available service projects! Who knows, maybe you will have some free time and will want to dedicate it to service. I believe it is important to give back, and Circle K is one way for the Susquehanna community to do that very conveniently. 

Jersey girl who loves The Bachelor, burritos, boybands, and basically anything basic. Member of the Class of 2020 at Susquehanna University studying Stretigic Communications: Advertising and Marketing and Art History.
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University