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5 Things to Remember if You’re Going Home for the Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

The holidays are supposed to be a beautiful time surrounded by friends and family. We might even give to strangers out of the kindness of our hearts. Hopefully, there’s snow and sweet songs. Sometimes the holidays can be stressful too so here are some things to keep in mind.

1. If going home jeopardizes your mental health you do not have to go

No one is forcing you to go and you should not feel obligated to do so. Yes, family is family but take care of yourself first and your family and friends should understand. Remember that your health is of the utmost importance.

2. Gifts are not the reason for the holidays

I know gift giving is a huge part of the holidays and a small part of many religions around this time but it is not the only important thing. Watch for the things most people would ignore. The small things. A child smiling or laughing. Family watching the football game. The possibility of pie at the table. Watch for the little things and enjoy them. Gifts come and go, but the small moments no one notices mean more.

3. Change is necessary

We may not like it, we may not want it, but change is inevitable. Keep in mind that you change every day and grow as a person. Keep in mind that families change and so do friends because every day is a chance to grow even just a little bit. It’s uncomfortable at first, but it happens for a reason. Change is only a part of the growth to come.

4. Take a Break

The whole point of winter break and the holidays is to unwind and recharge. You just had a stressful semester and you are free for the next six weeks. Relax. You’ll feel like you have a lot of catching up to do but remember that before you try to go see everyone you graduated high school with, every distant relative, break is about unwinding, decompressing and recharging. So be careful to not stretch yourself too thin. 

5. Reinvention Might Be in Order

In regards to #3, change in yourself is necessary as well. If this break period gives you inspiration in term of self-reinvention, it’s worth a shot, right? Whatever you need, follow your heart. 

I'm just a photographer/writer trying to show the world in a new light.