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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.

We all have acne in college. It is one of the worst feelings ever. Picture this: you have a really important interview or event. You do a facemask a few days before, drink plenty of water, and make sure to wash your face everyday. Twice even. The night before your special event… boom! There it is. A bright red pimple smack in the middle of your forehead. Your life is over!! Or so it may seem. Just your luck. Truth of the matter is, it happens to everyone and you are not alone. Having acne can really affect your confidence especially if you have been dealing with it for a while.

I have tried everything: facemasks, drinking water, exfoliating, moisturising, crazy skin care regimens, toners, weird concoctions. And when that didn’t work, I would use plenty of foundation and concealer. It would seem like it would come out of nowhere and that I had absolutely no control over it.

But the bottom line is acne sucks, but it’s okay! I realized that after seeing many of my friends stress about it. I wanted to scream and say ,“ Your acne does not define you. And quite frankly, no one is worrying about it”. When a flaw is on your own body, you tend to notice it way more than when someone else is looking at you. For example, you may think everyone notices your chipped tooth or your unpainted nails, but in reality not many people notice unless you explicitly point it out. Looking back in life you are not going to remember how many pimples you had, what jeans your wore, your bad hair day, or a random stain on your shirt.  Focus on being happy, connecting with your friends and your career. Most importantly, try to accept your acne. I can’t say I 100% accept it, but I am slowly realizing that you cannot let it stop you from living your best life.

I look on the news and hear about people who just lost their home or have a life threatening illness.  It is those moments that I realize that other people would kill to have these insignificant problems that sometimes we feel are earth shattering. Of course,  we all deserve and should hope to have clear, radiating, healthy skin, but it is, most certainly, definitely, totally, okay if you don’t! Don’t spend too much time stressing over it. Embrace who you are and that’s all that matters.



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Suzanne Tawch

Stony Brook '20

Pre-Med. Things I like: coffee, Netflix, That 70's Show, memes. Things I don't like: Mondays, Youtube Ads, pineapple on pizza.
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