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5 Roommate Tips to Save Your Sanity

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.

Roommates; for some they are a blessing in the midst of the chaotic college life, whereas for some they add to the pile of things you wish you didn’t have to wake up to. Having a roommate can be a great thing; you have someone to go to dining with or to have deep conversations about how college was a bad idea. But sometimes, a fallout or disagreement about spacing and lifestyle does not make you the best of friends. But it’s okay! Not all friendships are meant to be! So here are a few ways to help you survive the semester or even an entire year.

1. Keep Calm!

Yes, once you start disliking someone, it’s human nature to be annoyed by everything they do. But stay calm because no matter what, you will be sharing the same room and breathing the same air as your roommate, so do not start shouting or bickering. Try to express your disagreements to her in a peaceful manner, she might just understand!

2. Find Common Grounds

If you and your roommate are both bored surfing through your Facebook newsfeed in bed, it’s time to start conversing! Ask her about what class she is taking, talk about how disgusting the dining food is or ask if she watches the same television shows as you. Sometimes even a small similarity leads to a great friendship and if not, at least you will have a decent conversation.

3. Invest in Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Common rooms, study lounges and libraries can get really busy. So, sometimes your only option is to study in your room and if your roommate does not have any studying to do for the evening, it can get frustrating. But remember, it is a shared space so she might be FaceTiming her family or friends or watching a movie and giggling or even playing a musical instrument. So, instead of giving up or starting a fight, put on your headphones and get to work!

4. Care to Share?

If your roommate needs something from you, like a blending brush, stapler or some gum then help the girl out! But make sure you make clear boundaries about what to share. If you’re not comfortable sharing clothes, food or objects gifted to you by special ones, then let her know. You never know, she might be offering you pizza in return, and that’s a great deal!

5. Divide, Don’t Conquer

Dorm rooms might be half of the size of your bedroom back home, but it’s important you know you’re sharing it with someone else. So make sure you both know which part of the room is whose. Try to figure this out at the beginning of the semester so you don’t keep finding her clothes in your drawer or leave your ramen in hers (trust me you don’t want to do that).


If none of those work, don’t worry you’re not the only one struggling to be nice to your roommate. Furthermore, if things get out of control, you can always talk to your Residential Assistants; they are there for a reason. And make sure you keep an eye on your housing website because usually they offer mid-year room change requests so never lose hope!

Rushnan Islam

Stony Brook '20

Rushnan is currently a senior Biology major at Stony Brook University. She loves coffee, books, writing, and city-hopping (in that order)!
Her Campus Stony Brook Founder and Campus Correspondent Stony Brook University Senior Minnesotan turned New Yorker English Major, Journalism Minor