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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

The constant push and pull of college can take a toll on not only the body of the average college student, but also the mind. It can be easy to get overwhelmed from school as we all have numerous commitments we are responsible of. And while we can’t delete all the overwhelming factors of our daily lives, we can change our viewpoint on them. Here are a few unique benefits of practicing yoga in college.

Uplifted Outlook

It can be easy to get dragged down from the constant stress of classes and other commitments during school. Practicing yoga can help decrease our stress and increase our happiness hormones. The two major stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline, lower when practicing yoga. Our happiness hormones, dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins release and allow ourselves to relax from everyday anxieties. Having an outlet like yoga can help us view our stressors as manageable tasks, rather than daunting to-dos.   


Need to study for an upcoming exam, but just can’t seem to concentrate? Yoga lets us practice our ability to focus on our movements and thoughts. We can then apply this practice to our lives outside of yoga. Essentially: warrior two pose + breath work = improved focus during study time.   

Maintain your Sanity

Conflicts are bound to happen from time to time at college. Yoga can help with how we handle ourselves in those trying situations. By reducing our stress levels, yoga keeps our minds clearer and creates a space for us to be at peace. Having a clear and peaceful mindset will lead us to gain more control over our emotions and reactions.

Improved Posture and Backpain Relief

Sitting in lecture after lecture to then sit some more while studying will only lead to poor posture and inevitable back pain. Stretching along with fluid movements will help tremendously with posture and back pain relief. Yoga can also help relieve back pain by strengthening our cores through core activating poses.

Stronger Immune System

Colds get passed around colleges insanely fast and no matter how much DayQuil you may bring with you to school, there never seems to be quite enough. To improve your chances of not getting those nasty colds, practice some yoga! Since stress is one of the most prominent reasons for weakened immune systems, it makes sense that yoga improves your immune system as it reduces stress.  

Abbie is a junior at Stonehill College and is from Onset, Massachusetts. She is majoring in Business Management and minoring in Communication. She plans to one day work in Human Resources. Aside from writing articles, Abbie loves skiing, boat days, yoga, and adventures!