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Original Illustration by Gina Escandon for Her Campus Media

A Capstone Passion Project: Introducing The Happy Path

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

For my Mediated Communication capstone project, we have all been tasked with creating a media project that we will be working on extensively over the course of the entire semester. I chose to create a mental health awareness and mental health advocacy organization called The Happy Path. Since I am just starting to create the content for The Happy Path website and Instagram page, I thought it would be fitting to talk about what The Happy Path is and encourage people to follow and support The Happy Path as my first Her Campus article of the semester.

What is The Happy Path?

“The Happy Path is a virtual safe space for all to navigate their mental well-being. We advocate for mental health awareness and make mental health resources more easily accessible to everyone. Our goal is to contribute to breaking the stigma surrounding mental health and seeking help for mental illness. The Happy Path is here for you to visit when you are struggling with your mental health and need a shoulder to lean on. We are here to remind you that you matter! We want you to know that you are never alone when battling mental illness and The Happy Path Community is here to help you get through the hardest of times. Our goal is to create a community of people advocating for each other’s mental health. If you are struggling with your mental health, we want you to remember that we are here to help you get through the storm and see the sunshine again. Walk The Happy Path with us and start navigating through your mental wellness journey with a little help from The Happy Path Community.” – The Happy Path

The Happy Path’s Mission Statement:

“The Happy Path’s mission is to make mental health resources more accessible to college students and young adults by having everything mental health-related all together in one place. We seek to create a safe and positive space for people battling mental illness to utilize to help them feel better. Our goals are to advocate for mental health, provide mental health resources to those struggling, and encourage and inspire people who are struggling with their mental health to keep fighting. We want you to know you have a community behind you that wants nothing more than to see you happy and thriving. Let’s all get there together with the help of one another!” – The Happy Path

My plans for The Happy Path this semester:

I have a lot of exciting ideas for The Happy Path this semester. Some exciting mental health content you can look forward to from The Happy Path includes…

  • Monday Morning Check-Ins: weekly blog posts themed around checking in with yourself mentally
  • Wellness Wednesdays: weekly blog posts providing tips for mental wellness and trying different practices/activities to improve my mental health and how well I think these practices/activities worked
  • Motivational quotes & inspirational mantras
  • Daily self-care tasks 
  • Sharing mental health resources
  • More exciting blog content and Instagram content themed around mental health!

The Happy Path Social Media Platforms:

Your support of my capstone project would be greatly appreciated! Follow The Happy Path on Instagram and subscribe to The Happy Path website for all things mental health! Let’s build a community of people advocating for each other’s mental health and overall wellbeing.

Hi! My name is Natalie and I am a senior at Stonehill College pursuing a Marketing and Communication double major. I also have a passion for graphic design and creative writing!