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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stevens chapter.

Habits To Build A Better Morning Routine

How you start your day often affects the outcome of your day. And when you begin every day with a set routine, you’ve already set yourself up to be productive! But what are some habits to build in order to create a better morning routine? Here are my personal tips on how to build a better morning routine! 

  1. Prepare the night before. 

When we think of the words “morning routine,” we have the tendency to think that this routine would only occur within the first few hours of when we start our day. But the truth is, the habits we build in our night routine are essentially the first parts of our morning routine. Therefore, if you want to create a good morning routine, make sure that you get sufficient sleep and that you set your alarm clock appropriately. Doing so will ensure that you don’t feel groggy in the morning and that you wake up on time to give yourself sufficient time to complete your morning routine. 

  1. Drink water before drinking a caffeinated beverage.

Hydration is key! Drinking a glass of water in the morning will make you feel better! While caffeinated beverages can boost our energy for the day, they aren’t exactly the best source of hydration. You don’t have to completely eliminate caffeinated beverages, but just make sure that you prioritize your hydration! 

  1. Eat a healthy breakfast.

An important source of energy needed for the day comes from what you eat as your first meal of the day. Implementing healthy ingredients into your breakfast will provide you with the nutrients you need and it’ll make you feel good. And it doesn’t have to be anything complicated either! Simple breakfasts like oatmeal or a quick smoothie can easily give you the boost of energy you need for the day. 

  1. Fit in a quick workout.

Workouts get your body moving! And exercising is known to result in better sleep and greater energy levels. Try jogging in the morning, YouTube at-home-workouts, doing yoga, or going to the gym. 

  1. Say positive affirmations.

How you talk to yourself contributes to how you feel about yourself. Every morning, saying positive affirmations can build your self-esteem and leave you feeling happier and motivated to go about your day. 

And as a last reminder, give yourself gentle mornings! Running out of time in the morning or feeling like you are constantly in a rush may leave you dreading your day. So before building your perfect morning routine, list all the things you want to accomplish and ensure that you are giving yourself ample time to do so. That way you start your morning calm and productive! And surely with proper discipline and practice, your mornings will become filled with great habits and your days begin with success and productivity!

Angelica Amores is a sophomore at Stevens Institute of Technology and is a Business and Technology major. When Angelica isn't writing for the Stevens HER Campus chapter, she is exploring the city with her friends, making mini vlogs about her day, or reading books.