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Your College Experience Explained in The Office GIFs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Vincent chapter.

When you take out loans at the beginning of the school year.


When the syllabus says you only get two skips for the semester.


When you’re a humanities student taking one of your mandatory two science classes.


When it’s 10:30 PM and you still haven’t studied for your exam tomorrow.


When you end up still doing pretty okay on it.


Falbo’s at 10:30 PM.


Falbo’s at 12:00 AM.


Falbo’s at 1:30 AM.


Waking up for your 8:30 on Thursday.


When Brother Norman cancels classes for the first time since campus burnt down in 1963.


When Portal freezes during scheduling and you don’t get the classes you wanted.


When the heat is on in the dorms in October.


Seeing your friends after break.


Doing your best at intermurals.


Trying not to happy cry when there are therapy dogs on campus.


Face mask night with your besties.


When you realize you have to graduate and leave eventually.




Gina Johnston

St Vincent '19

"Freedom lies in being bold" - Robert Frost Rugger, vegetarian, future educator