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StoLife: 6 Leslie Knope Quotes to Read in Times of Self-Doubt

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Do you already need something to distract you from your homework? If so, I suggest comedic relief in the form of “Parks and Recreation”. Admit it: we could all use a lighthearted AND Netflix-accessible comedy with a bad-ass female protagonist like Leslie Knope. Not only will Leslie take your mind off of silly college things like biology or maintaining a social life, but she will also inspire you to be the best possible human you can be. If you still aren’t convinced, scroll below for a few notable quotes of hers from my favorite distraction, “Parks and Rec.” You will undoubtedly close this window feeling stressless and inspired. If not, contact me immediately. 

Your strict writing prof. doesn’t like your masterpiece? Brush that off in Knope fashion. Yelling is caring. They probably are trying to help you with that scary tone of voice.

When your priorities seem skewed (AKA you’re putting homework first) remember a few things that are more important: friends and food. 

Be your own biggest fan, advocate and motivator! No one knows you as well as you know yourself. Be proud of yourself and give yourself that credit. 

People might not like you, but that is easily cancelled out by all of the joy you bring to your loved ones. 

POSITIVITY ALWAYS, unless you’re crabby. That’s okay, too. 

Feeling down? Look in the mirror. Repeat three times.  

Photos: Yelling is Caring, Friends, Waffles, and Work, #Inspired, Embrace your Annoying self, Be Positive, SELF CONFIDENCE, Thumbs U