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Ole Thoughts: Top 5 Small Campus Stereotypes That Are Totally True

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Us Ole’s are more than #blessed to be receiving the education that St. Olaf is providing us. However, small private college stereotypes are too hilarious and relatable to become unnoticed. Though there are many, here are my top five favorite small campus stereotypes that are just far too relatable.

1. The mascot is either confusing or non-intimidating.

What’s the heck is a Hamline Piper? Concordia College – Moorhead has a corn cob as a mascot? How many times have your friends at home asked you what an OLE is? Your grandparents are going to have so many questions.


2. Wherever you go, you’re bound to run into someone you know.

Oh, hello campus crush! Yes, I am wearing crocs and socks.. Glad you noticed! 


3. Campus is so small that everything is within walking distance.

The gym is six minutes away and the caf is four minutes away? According to my calculations, Stav is calling my name.


4. You get to be a big fish in a small pond.

Yik Yak Celebrity, reoccurring name on the campus flirts page, and involved multiple orgs? No autographs, please.


5. Classes are so small that skipping is a forbidden sin.

There are fifteen people in your class, your class emails each other on a regular basis, the class has had dinner at the professor’s house… there is no way your rendezvous is going unnoticed. 


What are your favorite small campus stereotypes? Comment below and tell us! We love our hilarious readers!




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