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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Law U chapter.

We all hear that when we are upset or are feeling down we should journal our feelings. Although that is true, there are many reasons why journaling is great for your mental health.


The first reason is when you are journaling, you are prioritizing things happening in your life that you may normally overlook. You are giving attention to your problems, fears, concerns, and stressors. By writing these down, you are able to commit to the emotional response that you are feeling and can look at ways to de-stress and de-trigger these emotional responses to situations.

Helps You Remember

Another great reason to write in a journal is to remember. Oftentimes, we forget things that make us really happy and by writing down positive memories, you can always look back on the things that provoked those emotions. On the other hand, you can also write down negative experiences and see how you overcome them. By reading back on negative experiences, you can see how you got through them which could potentially help you in future situations. By recognizing what makes you happy and what makes you unhappy, your brain can understand how to cope with the emotions that you are feeling.

Provides Control

Lastly, journaling provides you with a sense of control. You don’t have to share what you write with other people and you don’t have to go back and reread your journal entries if you don’t want to. Journals are a place where you can express yourself freely when you may not otherwise feel comfortable talking to one of your friends or family members. It is a place for your ideas and can help boost your sense of power, control, and overall mood. It may also be helpful in situations where you don’t really understand how you feel or know how to put it into words. A journal does not need to be cohesive in any way, it is a place for your brain to start sorting out what you are thinking.

What benefits do you notice when you’re journaling? Let us know by messaging us on IG or Twitter!

Lauren Donohue

St. Law U '21

I am a Senior at St. Lawrence University.  I am a Psychology major with minors in Film Studies & Sports Studies and Exercise Science.  I am the captain of the Womens Varsity Volleyball team and am a Senior Admissions Fellow on campus.  I enjoy sunny weather and iced coffee from Dunkin :)   
Allison ("Allie") Attarian studied Psychology and Communications at St. Lawrence University where she was a Campus Correspondent for HC St. Law U. Allie was also a Campus Community Management Intern for the Community Team at Her Campus Media. Her combined passion for creativity, reading, and writing sparked her interest in joining Her Campus. She loves traveling, listening to music, creating visual art, and spending time with friends. Check out her personal blog here.