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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

Clean Up Your Room, Your Mind, Your Grades, Your Life

As of March 21st, we are officially in the Spring season. We all know what that means: it’s time for the annual spring cleaning! This year, I have a new proposition for you. Don’t just clean your room or apartment; clean all the other aspects of your life, too! With midterms finally over, it’s time you cleaned your GPA up a bit before the semester comes to a close. It’s probably a good idea to get rid of some stress and organize your thoughts a little bit as well. Here’s how you can get to cleaning your life this Spring:

How to Clean Up Your Room/ Apartment:

  1. Re-organize your desk, getting rid of any unnecessary junk papers and cleaning out the drawers.
  2. Go through your clothes. Donate what you don’t ever end up wearing and just make your closet neater in general.
  3. Wash the windows, mirrors, and floors.
  4. Wash your sheets (including your comforter or duvet cover!).
  5. Clean out and wipe down the inside of your refrigerator.

to Clean Up Your GPA:

  1. Figure out your current grade average in each class you are taking this semester.
  2. Plan out where you’d like that average to be by the end of the semester and what steps you’ll need to take to reach it.
  3. Re-focus yourself. Go to the library. Study. Just because you can smell summer around the corner does not mean you are on break just yet.
  4. If you are not happy with your midterm grade in a class, talk to the professor about ways to go about doing better on the final exam.
  5. Keep using your agenda, and keeping track of all homework assignments and exam dates.

How to Clean Up Your Mind:

  1. Spring is the perfect time for fresh starts. Stop letting your thoughts linger on the boy who broke your heart last semester. Let your heart wander new places.
  2. Take a day trip with your girlfriends into the city and just have fun without thinking about all the stress back at school.
  3. Make a to-do list on Sunday nights for the week ahead. Being able to check things off will feel great and help boost your mood!
  4. Think happy thoughts. That one bad midterm grade is not going to ruin your entire college career. Just think about the good grade you’re sure to study hard for and get on the next one.
  5. Try a new fitness class at the gym. You’ll start to feel healthier and happier about your body and your life in general!

Do a few—or all—of the above ideas and you could start to feel like a new person. Remember that Spring is the perfect time for new beginnings and starting fresh. Use it to your advantage!

Elizabeth Adam is a sophomore at St. John's University. Hailing from the tiny rural town of Uxbridge, Massachusetts, going to school so close to the city is completely surreal to her. She is currently studying to be a Theology major with a Social Justice minor in hopes of someday leading mission trips into third world countries for a career. She loves cats (especially her Maine Coon back home), Twizzlers, naps, and Demi Lovato. For more information, follow her Instagram at @lovatic_liz.
just livin'.