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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SPU chapter.

There are so many things we are told we need to be doing to keep ourselves happy and healthy. With a packed schedule in life, whether you are in school, have a job, or just find it hard to get out of bed, keeping track of all these “healthy habits” can seem daunting. I find that if we find a few easy ones to sprinkle into our daily routine, our happiness levels can really show a noticeable difference!

  1. Find time to go outside 

Even if it is not the nicest weather, being able to get fresh air, walk around, and connect with the earth is really important, and shows really good effects for our mental health. Going on a walk to get groceries or walking to pick up your mail can be a helpful boost for your day!

  1. Stretch

Lifting your arms over your head at least once a day can improve blood flow and doing a little stretch break in-between sessions of sitting will also!

  1. Celebrate Little Victories 

This is what I like to call: the little treat method. If you are having a hard day or accomplished something small that may have been stressing you out for a while, it’s nice to be able to look forward to a little treat for continuing on in life: the hardest challenge of all. 

  1. Take Risks

For me, this can look like a confrontation of sorts. Do something that brings you out of your comfort zone, aim to be rejected, you never know the good that might come out of you branching out in life. It’s how we grow. 

  1. Hand Write

Within the age of modern technology, sometimes we never find ourselves handwriting anything anymore, even greeting cards can be digital! Write notes in class on a notebook, write down your grocery list, write a note to a friend, anything to really get your motor skills working and it’ll help improve your memory. 

  1. Hugs

I get it if you aren’t the ‘physical touch’ kind of person, but hugs have been proven to help lower stress, anxiety, and blood pressure levels, and it’s a great way to connect better with your friends and family. Go give someone you love a hug! Let them know you appreciate them, life’s too short. 

  1. Gratitude 

The world is so big and full of struggles that we often forget how lucky some of us are. We all have things to be grateful for, and taking some time everyday to acknowledge that can make us recognize wonderful things about life. 

  1. Recycle 

As someone who has grown up in Seattle, it was shocking for me to hear that some states don’t have recycling laws or ways to easily recycle. As an easy way to give back to the Earth and make it more sustainable for future generations, break down your cardboard and take it to a recycling center!

I hope these help give inspiration to live a more fulfilling life and connect you to your community, the Earth, and yourself everyday. Always remember that even in the darkest of times that you are not alone and that there can be happiness in the simple things. 

Karissa Brown is a first-year new author and is very excited to be a part of Her Campus! She is currently dual majoring in Political Science and Liberal Arts at Seattle Pacific University. She has loved writing and researching since she was little and writing her own stories. Along with Her Campus, she is part of the SPU Sustainability Club and the Urban Involvement Club which help her learn more about our ever-growing world. In her free time, she enjoys hanging out with friends, crafting, walking, writing, exploring and trying new things!