As a senior with only a few months until graduation, I look back fondly on all the experiences and fun memories I’ve created. I can honestly say that college has been the best four years of my life.
I still have moments I wish I could forget, like when I yelled out the wrong answer in class with so much confidence or all the times I tripped over the bricks of the Horseshoe. I’m sure every student at UofSC has had moments like these that left them dying of embarrassment, but then you get to drive back home and laugh with your friends about it.Â
Truthfully, I have deeper regrets than those small moments of embarrassment. At the beginning of my college journey, I let fear consume me for so long — I had endless questions about whether or not college was for me and if I was in the right place. If I hadn’t been so afraid, then I think I wouldn’t have missed out on so many opportunities to either make friends or experience something new and out of my comfort zone.Â
I also wish I had spent more time networking and making connections. I could have attended more career fairs, joined more clubs, or even just struck up conversations with professors and guest speakers. Building those connections earlier would have opened doors and provided invaluable guidance for me later on. Though I am grateful for the connections and friendships I have made, those “what if” questions still linger sometimes.Â
My biggest advice to college students is to make the most of your time in college. You’re young, so make memories you’ll never forget and hold the ones you love a little extra close. Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone; join that club you’re curious about, talk to the person sitting next to you in class, and take interesting classes outside your major. College is a time for exploration and growth, to discover your likes and dislikes. These four years will fly by before you know it, so make sure you’re living them to the fullest.