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Really? You’re A Female Who Doesn’t Need Feminism? Groundbreaking.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sonoma chapter.

I had forgotten that I’d interacted on a thread of comments on an Odyssey article titled “I Am A Female And I Am So Over Feminism” until I recently got a notification from Facebook saying that someone had liked my comment. Besides the fact that the author clearly doesn’t know that she can use contractions, my initial reaction of the article was absolute, pure rage. Gina Davis is the incredible author of misinformation and other titles such as “Victimizing: Looking At Discrimination in a Different Light”, “I Support Tomi Lahren and I’m Proud of It”, “Social Media is A Catalyst For Sensitive America”, and my personal favorite, “God Bless Harambe, But The Zoo Didn’t Have A Choice”. I could critique every single sentence that was typed, but I will resist because I’m sure someone has already done that. Instead, I’ll just refute some of her outrageous claims.

Davis starts off by reciting some second-hand story about her boyfriend’s class discussion about women in sports. Women were going “on and on about how society is unfair to women in this aspect and that respect for the female population is diminishing quickly”. If we’re being frank here Gina, it’s not a load of bull. While it’s true that women have never been more respected, that doesn’t mean we’re really being respected. Just because we can now apply for our own loans without asking our husbands permission (that was very real in the 70’s!) doesn’t mean we’re equal to each other. Also, just because I demand that I be treated with equality and respect by male peers doesn’t mean that I will slaughter any man who opens a door for me (by the way, all generally nice people open doors for others, it’s not just a dude thing). The article she links when she says that feminists claim that men being chivalrous is disrespectful says the complete opposite. 

Her point about “the distinct divide between both the mental and physical makeup of a male and female body” is completely redundant; yeah, no shit our bodies are different. The point isn’t that we want our bodies to be equal, it’s that we want our rights to be equal. Should your worth be determined by how much you can lift? Only if you have a crossfit membership.

The glass ceiling isn’t just about persevering, it’s about women have the same opportunities to be in our government, in labs, creating apps, writing stories, breaking news, and being SHEO’s. The glass ceiling is most definitely NOT just about white women shattering it, fist clenched whilst women of color are ignored and degraded. Tell the Latinx woman who is working her ass off for half of what a white man makes that the wage gap is a myth.

You’re right, though, Gina. Not everything is a man’s fault. Just most things.

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Kylie Walker is a senior at Sonoma State University studying creative writing & women's and gender studies. She balances school with napping as much as she posssibly can. She enjoys petting animals and radical feminist theory. She sometimes writes about things other than politics or feminism, but rarely.
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