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How to Make the Most Out of a Community Style Bathroom

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.

Whether it’s walking half naked in front of your cute neighbors’ door every day or having to put on shoes every time you have to pee, community-style bathrooms are truly an experience. Here are some quick tips to help make the most out of your situation!


Tip #1- Get a Cute Bathrobe

Walking down the hallway after a shower doesn’t have to be super awkward- Swap out that towel for a cute robe! You won’t have to worry about it slipping off, and you can use your towel as a hair wrap on the way back!

Tip #2- Store Dish Soap in the Bathroom

Try putting a scrub brush, mini dish soap and a towel in your locker. There’s plenty of room, and you won’t have to lug all of your cleaning supplies down the hall the next time a dish is dirty!

Tip #3- Get Poo-Pourri

Let’s get personal – poop happens. Try using some Poo-Pourri next time you are scent-paranoid. You’ll leave the stall without a trace of evidence, and your neighbors will surely appreciate it!


Tip #4- Put a Hand Towel in Your Locker

Air-dryers can only do so much, and they can be way too loud for that 2 a.m trip to the bathroom. The solution? Keep a little hand towel in your locker for your own personal use!

Tip #5- Put Your Phone in Your Shower Caddy

Try popping a boppin’ playlist into your caddy the next time you take a shower. It fits perfectly, and you’ll never have to hear the person in the stall next to you ever again!


Community-style bathrooms can be seriously trying at times, but the arrangement does come with some perks! The bathroom is cleaned for you everyday, there is more than one toilet, and you never have to worry about your roommate cluttering up the counter. Plus, with these tips, you’re practically an expert! So put on your flip flops, grab your caddy and let’s have an awesome year!   


All photos by Piper Kopser


Piper is a freshman at Southern Methodist University, studying Creative Computing and hoping to pursue a career in Graphic Design. Raised an Austinite, she truly believes that life is better in Chacos. Her hobbies include making sub-par DIY projects, quoting cheesy movies, and traveling!
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