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Tessa Pesicka / Her Campus
Wellness > Health

Working Out During a Crazy College Schedule

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

Happy health and beauty week! Finding the time and motivation to workout with a busy, and subject to change, college schedule is difficult. Exercise is not only a part of a healthy lifestyle physically, but seeing improvement and completing a new workout is known to have many mental and emotional benefits as well. Exercise is so much more than weight loss and muscle gains, and today I have a few helpful tips and exercises conducive to college life!


  1. Walk everywhere: not only is this good exercise, but the fresh air is great compared to dingy dorm air!

  2. Ab contractions: contracting your abdominal muscles randomly throughout the day for 5 to 10 seconds per time while sitting and doing work in the library, or in lecture is a good way to get your abs moving on a day you might not exercise.

    Tennis Shoes And Water Bottle
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  3. Take the stairs: If you live in an urban area, whether it be shopping, going back to your residence, and when attending classes taking the stairs is always a good place to start!

  4. Make your own snacks: While we all like to treat ourselves, making your own healthy snacks for between classes or afterward can save time and expose you to better quality food. Try to reach for snacks that fuel your brain! (and you can always later reward yourself with goodies too)

    1. One I have recently tried is defrosting frozen berries then covering them with yogurt and refreezing them!

      Jocelyn Hsu / Spoon

  5. Calf raises: Okay I know it sounds silly but hear me out. The calves are an important part of our body and this is a great way to engage the muscle without doing a traditional lift or workout. My suggestion is doing these when reaching for something or while walking around your room. 

  6. Ab/oblique Workouts: Even if you don’t like going to the gym ab and oblique exercises are something easily done in the comfort of your dorm. Grab your yoga mat, water, and favorite workout clothes and get “crunching.” The beauty of this kind of workout is that you can go for as long as you want.

  7. Go for a hike: In the warmer months grab your girl gang and go exploring! The fresh air will feel great and it is hidden exercise. 

  8. Drink water: It is so simple but so easy to forget! According to the Mayo Clinic, “11.5 cups a day for women” which is about 92 fluid ounces. Your stomach and skin will thank you.

  9. Get as much sleep as you can: Sleep is very important for your brain which helps academic performance. Also, adequate sleep is important for balance and support fitness improvements. 

  10. Yoga/Stretching: When it comes to the mind-body connection yoga and stretching can have a huge impact. Taking some time out of your day in the morning and at night to stretch and/or do yoga is a great way to relax and be active in a focused way. 


I am a Biology Major at Saint Michael's College on a premedical track. I am part of the varsity field hockey team on campus. My interests include, fitness, reading, science, and fashion.