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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

It’s finally the end of the year! It sounds relieving, but it really means everyone’s workload is piling up, P-Day and Derby Day are coming up, and motivation is at an all time low. The last few weeks of school can feel like an entire year, but surviving is easy if you adopt some helpful habits.

Here are some ways to beat spring fever and stay focused!

1. Go to sleep earlier, so you can get up earlier!

You’d be surprised how much more energy you have during the day if you get your 8 hours of sleep. Getting up earlier also helps you feel less groggy throughout the day, and you have more time to get work done. Extra points if you manage to start your day with breakfast!

2. Keep a calendar (and actually use it every day)

This will remind you to complete your tasks, as well as remind you how little time you have left before being free. Setting goals for yourself and seeing your progress will help motivate you and stay on top of your work!

3. Try not to skip classes

Most professors give students a couple free passes to miss class before receiving a penalty, so it’s easy to justify missing class if you have skips left at the end of the year. However, you really aren’t gaining anything by skipping class- finals are coming up so you should pay even closer attention. Don’t feel guilty for skipping if you need a mental break, but remember to catch up on the material you missed!

4. Get your homework done during the week, so you can have fun on the weekend!

We’re all guilty of pushing off work until the weekend, when we know we aren’t going to do it. Try breaking out of this habit and getting all of your work done by Friday night, so you can totally relax until Monday rolls around.

5. Remember to be safe!


After you complete all your hard work and it finally pays off on the weekends, don’t go too hard. The year isn’t over yet, and nothing would be worse than getting into trouble with Public Safety before Derby Day.

Keep these tips in mind, and your last few weeks shouldn’t be as painful! Good luck, and remember….

Image Sources:

Cover Photo: https://www.theodysseyonline.com/final-tips-neds-declassified-school-survival-guide

  1. https://tenor.com/search/get-out-of-bed-gifs

  2. https://giphy.com/gifs/sharpie-weekend-tgif-5YIYp1LVJeGMU

  3. http://popkey.co/m/LqLl8-ferris+buellers+day+off

  4. https://mashable.com/2013/05/07/gifs-finals/#X_eQ3AOv2PqK

  5. http://www.justjared.com/photo-gallery/2470341/snooki-arrested-04/ and http://popkey.co/m/Remmd-i+dont+deserve+this-snooki

  6. https://www.buzzfeed.com/regajha/brilliant-life-improvement-tips-from-tom-haverford?utm_term=.chx7DZrX2#.dgzyVG0jE