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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

I am a huge fan of coffee. Whenever I know I am going to need energy, I make sure to stop by Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts. But too much caffeine comes at a cost. I am not a fan of the jittery and anxious feelings I get after drinking coffee, so I researched different ways I could boost my energy without overwhelming my nervous system. Being in quarantine is the perfect time to start new habits, right? So, here are some of my favorite caffeine alternatives that I will be using!


Water, water, water~

We all need water to survive, but drinking water throughout the day instead of soda or other drinks has more health benefits than you may think including, but definitely not limited to, raising your energy levels. It is the most natural way of waking yourself up in the morning or ensuring you will have energy throughout the day.


I know, I know, but hear me out! This is not the sweating-bullets, red-in-the-face, feeling-judged-by-the-ripped-person-next-to-the-weights type of exercise. Of course, if the gym is your happy place, getting a heavy workout in is great. But if the gym is not your cup of tea, take a walk or a bike ride or go for a jog in your neighborhood. Exercise, no matter how leisurely, will boost your energy levels for the rest of your day. 


Fruits & Veggies

Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of nutrients that give us energy, AND they are very healthy! Strawberries and bananas are my favorite fruits because I can eat them individually or in a smoothie! Fruits and veggies are also very yummy and can go in a lot of everyday meals.



Yes, okay, I realize that tea has caffeine in it, but not nearly as much as coffee does, and tea has more health benefits to it than coffee (especially green tea). It is a good start to weaning yourself off of coffee without completely cutting your body off from the caffeine it has been used to for a long time!


Happy decaffeinating!

Originally from Columbia, Missouri, she is a undergraduate student at Saint Michael’s College in Vermont. She is currently studying English and Political Science and hoping to become a published author of fiction in the near future. In her free time she enjoys creative writing, knitting, listening to music, and spending time with her dogs, Ollie and Oshie!
Jewelry maker and business owner at Homegrown Jewelry VT. Business Administration Major with a concentration in Entrepreneurship and an Economics Minor.