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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

As the winter weather starts to set in, it can sometimes feel more difficult to be happy and keep your mood up!  I always find that when there is less sun, and I can’t spend as much time outdoors that it’s easier for me to end up in a funk.  So here are 5 ways to keep the positivity in the air and still have fun this winter season!


  1. Exercise


Staying active during the colder months can help to produce endorphins and keep you feeling energized even when it’s freezing out.  I like to run on the treadmill or use the stair climber in the gym a few times a week. Another way to get some exercise in if you don’t want to go outside, is to do some at-home workout videos with your friends or roommates!



  1. Bundling up and going outside


Though it can get pretty chilly during the winter months, walks in the woods and playing in the snow is a wonderful way to spend your time!  Bundling up and taking a walk through the woods near my home always allows me to clear my mind and makes me feel very relaxed. 10/10 would recommend!



  1.  Use a Happy Light


A tried and tested way to keep your Vitamin D levels up during the darker months is to invest in a Happy Light.  Happy Lights work by mimicking sunshine and tricking your brain into producing more Vitamin D which contributes to mood regulation.  You can use it once or twice a day, while your studying, doing your makeup or just hanging out! I love mine and I feel it really making a difference during the months where I can’t get as much sun.





  1. Start a new hobby


I am a HUGE knitter and absolutely love snuggling up in my favorite blanket when it’s cold and knitting my little heart out!  The winter is a great time to develop your creative abilities! Whether that is through painting, drawing, knitting/crocheting, or crafting!  Tutorials on Pinterest and Youtube are only a few clicks away and can make anyone an expert! Spending time making things with your hands can lead to lower stress levels, and the satisfaction of making some cool stuff always makes me feel good!



  1. Spend time with your friends and family


It’s easy to end up spending hours in bed watching Netflix by yourself when it’s cold and snowy out.  There’s never anything wrong with some snuggly alone time, but if you find yourself feeling down or lonely, hit up a friend to watch with you!  Snuggly movie days with friends can be so much fun! Card games and fort building are also wonderful and cozy ways to spend a chilly winter day with your pals.



These are just a few ways to keep your mood up during the colder months where it can be easy to get bogged down by work and the weather!  Always remember that many people experience seasonal changes in their mood and your not strange for experiencing it too.   


Environmental warrior and aspiring Congress woman! Here to spread positivity and hit the world with realness. Always.
Jewelry maker and business owner at Homegrown Jewelry VT. Business Administration Major with a concentration in Entrepreneurship and an Economics Minor.