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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

You are the sparkle in my eyes.

You make my heart skip a beat.

You turn my smiles into laughs.

You awaken the butterflies in my stomach.



Because of you, I am more devoted.

Because of you, I am more hopeful.

Because of you, I am more faithful.

Because of you, I am more inspired.



If it weren’t for you, my eyes would never have seen anything so beautifully created by God.

If it weren’t for you, my lips would never have tasted anything so sweet.

If it weren’t for you, my heart would never have felt the love God created for us to feel.

If it weren’t for you, my hands would never have held anything so strong and comforting.



With you, I am happier.

With you, I am beyond blessed.

With you, I am more myself.

With you, I encounter Jesus more than ever before.



I love You.

Daughter of the Chosen One, coffee enthusiast, macaron lover, and smiley friend.