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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

I have always wondered what it would be like

to take a solo stroll at night.

To observe the city 

in a different kind of light.


I bet that the streets are quiet,

in a comforting kind of way.

I bet that the stars are wonderful

as with the moon they play.


I imagine that it feels nice

when everyone is asleep.

In a city where millions reside,

you’re the only heart that beats.


I know that I will never get this experience

without feeling deeply afraid,

because everything inside of me 

has been conditioned and betrayed.


A woman has no place 

out on the streets at night,

until her fellow man

chooses to protect and not to fight.


Until that day,

that seems so very far away,

I will sit and imagine

a dark city filled with compassion.

Likes long walks on the beach & over-sharing on the internet