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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

Oftentimes, we get ourselves excited to feel the sun on our skin, dive into our favorite flavors of ice cream, drive with the windows down and sit on the beach without a care in the world. It’s common to forget those little things we want to do under the shine of the summer sun like have a picnic or go to a certain hiking trail or try to plant a certain vegetable in your garden. The only way to alleviate the sense of regret we feel when our summer realities fall short of our summer expectations is to write down all those things we hope to experience while the skies are blue and the temperatures are warm.

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There are those that disagree with making bucket lists, due to the fact that they are uncomfortable with holding themselves to an expectation of activities, or that they enjoy spontaneity. Much to their surprise, having a list of all of the activities you can see yourself realistically completing throughout the summer can encourage spontaneity, in the example that a day without plans could easily change into a day full of fond memories with all of the adventures you want to have written down in one place. Say goodbye to the “I don’t know what I want to do today” conversation!

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Physically writing down what you wish to do over the summer can be therapeutic too! Get creative with the presentation of your list! Decorate the pages where you list what movies you want to go see on rainy days, what stores you want to check out in the mall, or even what restaurants you want to try eventually with stickers, magazine clippings, illustrations of the activity, pictures from previous summers, even live flowers – the sky’s the limit when it comes to making your summer bucket list.

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If you have a hard time actually starting the list, there are hundreds of templates online that you can use for inspiration including activities like making friendship bracelets, eating meals outside, going mini-golfing, going to outdoor concerts, taking day trips to the beach, going kayaking, making your own ice cream, watching movies from a projector, etc.

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Contrary to what many may want to believe, summer isn’t always easy for everyone, and life can be tough, regardless of the weather or the season. Having a summer bucket list can be that thing that you might need to help you keep your head held high, and looking forward to new experiences. It’s also important to set goals for yourself, no matter how trivial they may seem. Any accomplishment is one worth celebrating, and rewarding yourself is important to keep you focused and positive about the things upcoming in your life.

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Taking the time for yourself to write a list of all those unique things you hope to accomplish at some point could bring you closer to yourself and is a very reflective process. No matter how old or young you may be, it’s important to listen to yourself and act upon the things you dream up for yourself. Making a bucket list is the first step to having “the best summer ever” so get thinking, get writing and get exploring!

Kiera Mitru is a Siena College Class of 2021 alumna. During her time at Siena, Kiera studied English.