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The Best Ways to Stay Healthy and Active This Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

Since working at the local YMCA in my town this past summer, I’ve really come to love and appreciate health and fitness (I know, weird, right?).  During the summer, I had so much more energy during all hours of the day and I was able to try all sorts of healthy and wicked delicious recipes after my workouts, but then…dun, dun, DUN! School started again and we’re all back on the grind of constant classes, late nights, and not having time to eat a healthy meal or to work out. It may seem easy to fall into those bad habits, but you AND your body deserve to feel healthy and energized and I’m determined to break some of those this semester! Here are some of the tips and tricks I’ve been using so far to stay healthy and active this semester and I hope they’ll help you too!

Don’t waste your calories on those sugary beverages

Drinks such as soda, Starbucks coffee, and energy drinks are not only loaded with all kinds of sugar, but they also can drain your energy and make you more tired during the day! Water is always the best alternate to those sweetened drinks, and I love adding fruit to mine. Strawberries, lemons, limes, you name it! The fruit will give your water a little extra kick without all of the fake sugar of a can of soda, and don’t be afraid to use a cute water bottle that you can refill and carry around all day. I just got a brand new water bottle and I’m basically obsessed with it! My roommate and one of my best friends bought this for me at TJ Maxx and it not only holds 28 fl.oz. of water and is double insulated, but it also matches the comforter on my bed perfectly


Find the workout that works for YOU

 Going to the gym on a daily basis clearly isn’t for everyone, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t stay active right here on campus. Siena has a huge Intramural Program that offers everything from volleyball to yoga to zumba and a ton of clubs that incorporate both sports and dance! I really love working out at the gym, but I’ve also been on the Siena Irish Dance Team since I was a freshman and believe me when I say, it’s an INTENSE workout. If you’re unsure about which activity to pursue, grab a friend and try out some different ones! Find that one activity that’s going to leave you sweating and sore, but feeling better than you ever have before.

The dreaded dining hall food

If you’re not living in a townhouse or apartment this year, then you’re in the position of having to walk to the dining hall each day for food. College food simply just doesn’t taste very good and is even worse for you, but we have to work with what we have! So, the next time you’re in the dining hall trying to figure out what to have for lunch, stop and try to examine all of your options. Sometimes, eating a salad doesn’t fill you up, but adding a little bit of protein to the vegetables such as some tuna or a few pieces of turkey can give you that flavor and substance you’re looking for.  Eating healthy in college isn’t easy, but it’s not impossible. When you get those cravings for French fries in the dining hall or when you are itching to open that package of Ramen, try to substitute them with a piece of fruit, a granola bar, or something a bit lighter and healthier! Your body will feel much more energized, your stomach will be full, and it’s totally fine to save cheat days for the weekends!

Julia Lowney is a Siena College Class of 2018 alumna. During her time at Siena, she studied English and also minored in Marketing and Writing and Communications.