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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFA chapter.

Dear L, 

I’m sure you’ve been waiting to hear from me, or maybe not. I want you to know that I forgive you for all of the following…


Dear L,

I forgive you for tearing my house apart.

I forgive you for taking away my happiness.

I forgive you for making him lie to me.

I forgive you for taking his heart.


Dear L,

I forgive you for making her cry.

I forgive you for making him feel at home.

I forgive you for smiling in my face to make me like you when I was young and naïve.

I forgive you for making me feel like he doesn’t love me.


Dear L,

I forgive you for ruining my relationship with him.

I forgive you for tempting him and making him think it was okay.

I forgive you for giving him another place to call home.

I forgive you for making me watch her cry.

Dear L,

I forgive you for not allowing him to get to know her.

I forgive you for making him break his promise.

I forgive you for turning my home into a house.

I forgive you for making him tell me that he loves you.

Dear L,

I forgive you for making me think I’ll never find someone who will always love me the way they should.


But above all of that, I would like to thank you for the following…

Dear L,

Thank you for allowing me to see who he truly is.

Thank you for allowing me to see the strength I didn’t know I had.

Thank you for setting her free from the one who didn’t deserve her.

Thank you for bringing honesty into my house.

Hi, my name is Alayna I love writing short stories and poetry. My favorite color is pink and I truly believe we should break out into song whenever we feel like a musical.