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20 Things Worse Than Taking a Midterm Exam

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFA chapter.

It’s that time of the Fall semester again . . . Midterms.

For us here at Stephen F. Austin State University, our midterms were just this past week. Our library was jam-packed with students cramming in those notes and chapters we never wrote or never read. It happens. But let’s face it, it could always be worse! Insensitive? Eh, maybe. But here’s a list of 20 things exponentially worse than taking a midterm exam.

1. Sliding in dog poop.

No, not stepping in dog poop, but sliding. I’m talking, I went out to walk the dog and stepped on a pile that an irresponsible dog owner didn’t pick up and my shoe slid over this pile, and I felt every second of it; kinda slipped.

2. Working as a server and a table coming in 5 minutes till close after you’ve already worked a double.


3. Having a hangover.

Or, working as a server and a table coming in 5 minutes till close after you’ve already worked a double while hungover. CAN I GET ANOTHER AMEN?!

4. Donald Trump.

Please leave.

5. TV spoilers.

Listen here, you little jerks. I, like many others, am a college student who doesn’t have cable because, you know, college budget and all, and since my source for television shows are Hulu and Netflix, I suggest you NOT tell me if Negan kills Glenn during tonight’s The Walking Dead premiere. Also, those of you who spoiled the last episode of season 11 of Grey’s Anatomy when you-know-who died, you’re all on my list.

6. Homeless animals.

“In the arrrrmmmssssss ooofffffff an anngeelllll, fly awayyyyyyyyy…”

7. Stale chips.

Not like the bag is ever anything more than half full of chips when you open it, but dang, the disappointment of crap Lays with a tasty sandwich? Man . . .

8. Paying to do laundry.

It’s already disappointing that you can’t lounge around in your apartment half naked while doing your laundry . . . now you have to pay? UGH. ALWAYS LOADED WITH PENNIES, NEVER ENOUGH QUARTERS.

9. Your NFL team having a bye week.

Sorry, Cowboys fans.

10. Papercuts.

It’s like my soul leaving my body.

11. Chick-Fil-A being closed on Sundays.

THE ONLY DAY OF THE WEEK YOU LEGITIMATELY CRAVE A KILLER CHICKEN SANDWICH. Every other day of the week it’s just conveniently on campus and fast.

12. A bad tattoo.

13. Uneven eyeliner.

Yes, I know I’m late . . . but do you know just how long it takes to evenly apply this cat eye? This is an art to be appreciated.

14. Waving at someone who was waving at the person behind you.

Hey! Hi! How are— oh, crap, no, not me. Okay. Not me. Play it cool.

15. Hillary Clinton

I get it, I get it . . . I’ll try to be unbiased here and throw in her name, too. (#ImWithHer)

16. Calling your professor “mom.”

Not sure how often this happens in college, but if you ever did it when you were in elementary school, to this day you’re probably still veryyy careful . . .

17. Watching someone eat cereal with ice-cubes.

Yes, it’s a thing. Yes, you’re all savages.

18. Being a Texan eating at an out-of-state restaurant when this happens . . .

You don’t have Dr. Pepper? Is your sweet tea any good? Ugh.

19. Your stomach grumbling during your midterm.

I mean, truly, the embarrassment is potentially worse than the midterm lying on the desk in front of you.

20. Notre Dame making that rebound shot during March Madness, beating Stephen F. Austin State University.

This one hurt our pride last basketball season. Still recovering from that one . . . still recovering. But remember when THIS happened?!


Now, this list is definitely debatable, but luckily for some of us, midterm week is over, and we survived! Now, we wait for grades . . . Good luck!

Greetings, earthlings. My name is Natalie and I am a lover of all things non-routine. A senior Radio/TV Broadcasting major at SFA, I enjoy running races, Netflix & Hulu binging, and traveling on short weekend getaways that I convince myself I can afford. I serve as Her Campus SFA's Campus Correspondent and Editor in Chief.
Hi! My name is Andréa Tinoco. I am a senior at SFA, majoring in journalism and minoring in general business. My position at Her Campus SFA is the Campus Correspondent as well as Editor In Chief. My passions include writing, reading, running and yoga.