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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

Last week I went to the Women’s March in Nashville. I woke up at 6:30 in the morning to drive the 1.5 hours to Nashville. For some, this would not be enjoyable. But for me, it was an absolutely amazing experience that will remain with me for the rest of my life.

The night before the march, my friends and I got together to make our signs. We had our glitter ready and our phrases picked out, and it was an amazing bonding opportunity for the group I would soon be walking side by side with through the heart of Nashville. As we glued the glitter to our poster board, we watched Legally Blond, the ultimate girl power movie. While the rest of the campus was getting lit on a Friday night, we were in making posters for the event that would eventually make history. Once we split up to head to bed, I stayed up making a Spotify playlist featuring every girl power anthem I could think of. This playlist became our jam tunes for the drive to Nashville. It included Beyoncé, Alessia Cara, Daya, Avril Lavigne, and every other female singer that preaches to women through their music. We screamed these power ballads as we headed to our destination, ready to take on the patriarchy.

Once at the march, I could immediately tell that I had found my people. So many people, male and female, gay and straight, old and young, had all come together to fight for the rights of women and others left out in today’s society. I was ecstatic to see countless others who also identify as feminists all in one place, refusing to be silenced by those holding us back. We peacefully yet purposefully marched in solidarity with feminists all around the world. Everyone was there in support of one another as we fought for our rights as women and as people. There was no violence, and very few people were there to protest our protest. I found my people that day, and will continue to fight beside them as time goes on.

To the women who feel that they did not need this march, I’m sorry you feel that way. But just know, we are fighting for you even if you don’t think so. And we will continue to fight for you, and I can only hope that one day you find your way to us.

To those who call us “whiners” for not accepting a president who continuously beats us down, you will not stop us. We will fight on until our rights are acknowledged, and we can sleep well knowing the generations after us will not have to. I accept that Trump is the president. But that does not make him MY president. A president that ignores the issues plagueing my gender, citizens he has been charged to protect, will never be my president. So until he listens, we will not stop fighting. We refuse to be beaten down or silenced. We will not go gentle into that good night. We made history that day, and we will continue doing so until we get what we deserve as human beings.
