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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCU chapter.

Students and professionals alike all strive to enhance productivity and make the most of their time. Extensive research has been done on how to maximize productivity to help you get sh*t done.

Here are some of the best tips from the experts:

  1. Create Prioritized To-Do Lists

Write down all the activities you want to get accomplished in a day and organize them in order of importance. Note the most important tasks first, and then work your way down to those that are less important.

  1. Schedule Your Activities

Now go through this list, and assign each task a specific time when you will get it done.

  1. Do Your Most Important Work First

The tasks that are on the top of your list should get done first. Schedule these for early in your day to make sure they get taken care of.

  1. Stick to a Routine

Having daily routines helps you get things done efficiently and quickly. Routines also help your mind feel organized and on track, key components of productivity.

  1. Eat Breakfast

A study by Cardiff University showed that students were twice as likely to score higher than average grades if they started the day with a healthy breakfast. Set aside 10 minutes to eat breakfast (it could be as simple as cereal) and you’ll feel more focused during the morning.

  1. Exercise and Stay Hydrated

Exercising creates more energy and is crucial to staying healthy. Drinking water helps our brain function best and prevents feelings of tiredness throughout the day!

  1. Mess Creates Stress

This saying rings true to me because I know that I can’t function or work well in my room when it’s disorganized. So clean up your space, or try Tip #8.

  1. Change Your Environment

Sometimes moving to a new space will help clear your mind and allow you to focus better. Try working at a coffee shop (check out the best coffee shops around campus here http://www.hercampus.com/school/scu/best-coffee-shops-around-campus), in the library, or even outside.

  1. Block Out Distractions

When scheduling your activities, set certain times to check email and check social media. This way you’re not trying to cut it out completely (that’s almost impossible, at least for me) and scrolling through Instagram won’t be taking away from valuable working time.

  1. Stop Multi-Tasking

Our minds are not made to multi-task. Focus on one thing at a time, and you will get it done faster and better. Put your phone away, pop in headphones if that helps you, and get down to business.

  1. Take Breaks

There’s lots of different methods for how to best time-block to enhance productivity. Some say work for 20 minutes, and break for 5 minutes. Others say work for an hour, and break for 10 minutes. Try these methods and find what works best for you. Taking breaks often will help you focus better when you get back to work.

  1. Reward Yourself

Reward yourself after a super productive day! Watch an episode of your favorite show, or eat some ice cream. Treat yourself for all your hard work.

  1. Prepare for the Next Day

Getting ready for the next day in advance helps mornings run smoothly. Pick out your outfit ahead of time and set out what you will need for class to save 10 minutes. This is an easy way to save time and reduce stress when you’re running out the door late for an 8am class.

  1. Don’t Say Yes to Everything

We’re all busy and we all have a lot of responsibilities. Between classes, extracurriculars, work, and internships, there’s not always time to do everything. Don’t be afraid to turn down an extra event that you aren’t excited for, or an opportunity you’re not passionate about. Focus on doing the few things you love, and doing them well.

  1. Sleep Early & Get up Early    

Research from UC Irvine shows that productivity rises in the late morning around 11am and peaks between 2 and 3pm. So, starting on an important project after 3pm isn’t a good idea, because motivation and focus will be past its peak. Going to sleep early and waking up early will help you get your best work done early in the day.

  1. Set an Inspirational Reminder

Whether it’s a post-it note on your mirror, the background on your phone, or a Pinterest board, collecting inspirational reminders will help you try your best. Personally, quotes like this one inspire me: “Your productivity is your life made visible”—Robin Sharma.

Trying some of these tips will help you maximize your productivity and make the most out of your time. Just in time for finals! 

Sofia is from the San Francisco Bay Area and studies Political Science (plus a million other minors). Sofia writes about style, travel, food and coffee on her blog, www.sofialeyla.com . In her free time, catch her hammocking by Bellomy Field or finding her zen in yoga class.
Laurel Fisher is a senior at Santa Clara University. She is double majoring in math and French. She loves traveling, scrapbooking, and anything to do with France. In her free time, she loves taking photos of just about anything, watching Netflix, eating delicious food, going to the gym, and spending time with her friends.