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The Best Body Positive Influencers To Make You Feel Good About The Skin You Live In

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCU chapter.

Beyond the ever-expanding list of body inclusive fashion brands, below are my personal favorite body positive social media influencers that make me feel confident in my skin. Give them a follow, won’t you?

Mik Zazon — Tik Tok: @mikkzazon // Instagram: @mikzazon

As her Tik Tok bio states, she is a “founder of normalizing normal bodies.” Not only does she normalize cellulite, stomach and thigh fat, and stretch marks, she also normalizes real skin, with acne, dark spots, scars, and much more. She documents her experiences with Accutane as well as how far she has come after suffering from mental illness and eating disorders. She’s inspiring and makes me feel proud to be in my body—imperfections and all. 

Jameela Jamil — Instagram: @jameelajamilofficial

An actress, feminist, and outspoken activist, Jameela Jamil often speaks out about body-positivity. Her  instagram account “I Weigh!” has grown into a website and associating podcast meant to empower minority voices and is committed to breaking down stereotypes. Jameela has spoken out against celebrities, like the Kardashians and Iggy Azalea, for advertising detox teas and has called for airbrushing and Photoshop to be made illegal. From sharing personal experiences of body shaming, Jameela’s activism is desperately needed to lift women everywhere. 

Brooklynne—Tik Tok: @xobrooklynne // Instagram: @brooklynnexo

A sixteen-year-old body-positive activist, Brooklynne constantly fights back against body shaming comments with humor. She is criticized by anonymous users for having “chub” or “looking pregnant,” but that doesn’t stop her from wearing crop tops, and not to mention, looking fabulous while doing so. She oozes with self-confidence and makes me feel beautiful amidst my insecurities.

Victoria Garrick—Tik Tok: @victoriagarrick4 // Instagram: @victoriagarrick

A former Division I volleyball player, Victoria discusses her experiences with an eating disorder and mental illness all while normalizing stomach and back rolls and cellulite. She documents her recovery and emphasises the importance of eating what you want when you want it! From editing her photos to have “the perfect body” to identifying ways to show yourself love, Victoria has come full circle in her journey, inspiring others to do the same.

Sienna Mae Gomez —Tik Tok: @siennamae // Instagram: @siennamaegomez

I’ve been a fan of Sienna’s since the beginning—before she had over a million followers and became verified—and since then, I have continued to love her subtle messages and badass attitude. From taking videos of herself eating to encourage her followers to do the same to dancing in bikinis and crop tops, Sienna is funny, loveable, and able to redefine rigid standards of beauty at only sixteen-years-old.

Megan Jayne Crabbe — Instagram: @bodyposipanda

A twenty-four-year-old anorexia survivor now committed to celebrating cellulite and belly rolls, Megan encourages us to make peace with our bodies As if her Instagram account didn’t amplify the body positivity movement enough, her online blog and book, Body Positive Power, scream “I AM BEAUTIFUL NO MATTER MY SIZE.” She preaches the bullshit of the dieting industry from personal experiences and tells us: “you really are perfect exactly as you are.” Who doesn’t want this type of self-love and appreciation in their life?

Iskra Lawrence—Tik Tok: @iskra // Instagram: @iskra

The Aerie model that made headlines with her confidence, beauty, and real-life body characteristics. From cellulite to tummy rolls, Iskra is a champion of body positivity. After being told she was “too big” for modeling, Iskra now travels the world and speaks out on eating disorders and the importance of self-care. Now a wife and mother, Iskra continues to share workout and fashion tips, all while paving the way for women everywhere.

We should be following people that make us feel good and worthy! Let’s work to make social media a place of acceptance and love!

Madison Hoffman is a third-year student at Santa Clara University where she serves as the Senior Editor of the Her Campus chapter. She is studying Sociology, Public Health, and Spanish and plans on attend nursing school after completing her undergraduate degree. Madison is passionate about global and public health, healthcare, and health disparities. In her free time, Madison enjoys playing with her English Bulldog, listening to Taylor Swift, and watching The Office.
Meghana Reddy is the Campus Correspondent for the SCU chapter of Her Campus. Currently, she is a 4th year student pursuing a Major in Neuroscience and Minor in Computer Science. Meghana is passionate about women in entrepreneurship, consulting, healthcare, women's health, and dogs! In her free time, she loves to travel, try new foods, and practice yoga!