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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCU chapter.

Spring Quarter 2021 is here, and here we are, still sitting behind our computer screens on Zoom for class. Many of us likely never anticipated Zoom University to last this long! Nevertheless, it’s important to take the time to stay organized so you can do your best, even while being confined to going to school from home. Starting this quarter successfully will help you maintain motivation throughout the rest of this online school year!

Overhead view of Students In Class
Photo by Mikael Kristenson from Unsplash

Use a planner!

Planners can be your best friend when organizing for Zoom classes, club meetings and self care time (because self care is important!). Write down all the mandatory events and assignments for the week that have to be completed and give yourself room to list other to-dos to complete. Also, have a space for your goals for the week! That way, you can stay on top of requirements while getting ahead. Weekly planners are great for detailing a week at a glance, while monthly planners can really help you plan way ahead! 


Check out these cute planners from Amazon!

Try out Passion Planners, which also help with goal setting! 

PaperSource is having a sale on planners!  

Get enough sleep!

After a relaxing spring break, it can be hard to get back into a normal routine. However, it’s important to get at least seven to nine hours of sleep to function at your best! Try to create as normal a routine as possible to stay successful.

Try a new study habit!

We’ve all had to significantly adjust a lot with online classes! Why not try out a new study strategy? Try a different style of learning—visual, interactive/kinesthetic, or auditory. If you have access to a small whiteboard, try using that to emphasize key details or main ideas of a topic, creating webs to connect the information. Try to condense the information as much as possible to allow your memory to retain key information. This can also be done on flashcards, or even a poster board, to help you visualize the information in the best way possible.

Change up your study space!

Try to find a space with natural light (also perfect for great lighting on a Zoom meeting!) and where you can sit upright to help you focus. Having a couple locations in your living space will help ensure you don’t feel too confined to one area, especially if you are having trouble focusing.Changing some aspects of your study routine can aid in maximizing productivity and making your days feel a little better.

I am a junior at Santa Clara studying Communications & Business. When I'm not busy with college activities, I love traveling, painting, trying new recipes, and am addicted to coffee and chocolate.
Meghana Reddy is the Campus Correspondent for the SCU chapter of Her Campus. Currently, she is a 4th year student pursuing a Major in Neuroscience and Minor in Computer Science. Meghana is passionate about women in entrepreneurship, consulting, healthcare, women's health, and dogs! In her free time, she loves to travel, try new foods, and practice yoga!