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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

While we are heading towards the end of this semester, finals are coming up and I know this is a stressful time for everyone. I know when it comes to finals I am ready to check out and academic burnout is very real. However, here are some things that help me when I am feeling this way:

1. Take a break! Sometimes I will be doing work all day and don’t realize how exhausted I am. It is okay to take a step back and relax. At the end of the day everything will get done, so it is important to prioritize yourself when feeling this way.

2. Create a schedule that works for you. For every hour I work, I give myself a ten-minute break. This helps me prioritize my work, but after an hour I get to stretch, walk around, drink some water, or grab a snack.

3. Hang out with friends! Take a step back from work and make an hour or two for friends. I know when I see my friends I forget about all the stress for a while and just relax.

4. Go on a walk or exercise. Whenever there is a lot going on in my life I love going outside for a fresh breath of air or going to the gym. It doesn’t even have to be for a long time, but it helps me get moving and takes my mind off all my work.

5. Don’t overdo it. Set goals for yourself that are realistic and manage your time so that whatever is due first gets done first. I know it is dreadful to complete assignments that you want to put off but think about the sense of relief you will feel once they’re done!

Happy studying and good luck on finals!

Priyal Patel

Scranton '25

Hi! I am a second-year health administration major with a minor in business. I love going on walks and reading.