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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

After three years in college, I’ve come to the realization that Sunday resets are literally my best friend. As a college student taking 21 credits, I get busy and stressed very easily. Sunday resets are just the thing I need to clear my mind and de-stress. In this article, I am going to share some of the things I do every Sunday to start fresh and prepare for a new week!

1. Clean my living space

Sundays are my designated cleaning days. My roommates and I clean the apartment and right after, I deep clean everything in my room from my desk to my floors. My room is a physical representation of my mind. If my room is a mess, then I’m probably a mess too. Yesterday, I completely rearranged my room and deep-cleaned everything, and it was sooooo therapeutic.

Whenever I clean my room, I instantly feel a wave of stress goes away. I love starting my Sunday reset with a deep clean of my room. It gives me a boost of productivity and serotonin!

2. Do laundry

I wear so many clothes throughout the week, so I always try to do my laundry twice a week. Does that happen? Most of the time, no. However, I’ve noticed I tend to do laundry on Sundays and since then, it has become part of my Sunday reset. Sometimes, I dread folding my clothes but once I’m done, I feel so much better knowing it’s done. It makes me feel much more organized and I can check it off my mental to-do list for the week.

3. Plan for the Week

I have a pretty packed schedule this semester, so I absolutely love planning out my week with due dates, practices, and meetings. My bestest friends when planning are my desk calendar, my whiteboard calendar, and my planner. Having everything laid out makes me feel organized, thus making my mind feel more organized. Every Sunday I write down anything due in the upcoming week. I also write down when I have practice and if I have any meetings. Lastly, I write down when I aim to complete assignments throughout the week. Planning out my week makes me feel more prepared and gives me an idea of how the week will go.

4. Do homework and/or study

I like to get a head start on my assignments for the week on Sundays. This prevents me from being flooded with several assignments and pulling all-nighters during the week. I tend to do homework and study after I finish cleaning and planning because I like working in a clean environment and I have my assignments pre-laid out for me already.

5. Journal

As someone who loves to journal, but struggles finding the time to do it, I found that doing it on Sundays is very helpful. I love journaling before bed. It gets me off my phone and it’s just a great way to wind down for the night. I’ve tried to journal every day, but I get so caught up in schoolwork I’ve learned that doing it at least once a week is a bit easier for me. I find journaling very therapeutic, and I didn’t want to turn it into something that stresses me out. Sometimes I’ll talk about how my week was and other times I’ll just vent about my feelings. One of my favorite things to write about is things that happened during the week that made me smile. It’s a great way to positively reflect on the past week and it makes me feel better about any bad days I may have had

These are my absolute favorite things to do during my Sunday resets. There are many other things you can do during your Sunday reset such as meditation, reading, changing your desk layout, and so much more! And of course, when I’m doing these things, I have my favorite songs playing in the back. So, when you’re having your Sunday reset, don’t forget to put on your favorite bops!

Alexandra Buck

Scranton '25

Hi everyone!! I’m an Early and Primary Education major! I love hanging out with my friends, listening to music, and reading!