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Surviving 8 AM Classes in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

I’m pretty sure we all have freaked out if we’ve had a morning class on our schedule before syllabus week. We worry about waking up in enough time to make it to class on time. We worry about falling asleep in the class and not retaining one sentence of what the professor says.


Here are a few tips on how to prepare for early classes:


1. Set your alarm clock! Whether you think you’ll be able to wake up naturally or not, sometimes things happen for the worse. If you are using your phone as alarm clock, make sure the volume is high enough that you’ll actually be able to hear it in deep sleep. Set three or four alarms 5 minutes after the next to ensure you’re getting up in the morning.

2. Be outfit ready the day or night before! Have everything picked and laid out so there is no time to waste being indecisive! Also, having your bagged pack is a bonus! It will ensure that you are not forgetting any items in the rush of time. Just have every little thing ready to go, it will help not make sleepy mornings a drag.

3. The morning of you may need a little guidance to waking up from caffeine. If you’re not a coffee drinker, try tea that isn’t decaf. While you’re brushing teeth or putting on your clothes, have it made; multitasking! Also you might want to grab a granola bar or something quick to eat! An empty stomach, in the morning, while in class is not always the best feeling.


Most people think of early morning classes as a bad thing but there are advantages to them too.

Yes, waking up early means less sleep, especially if you are up late until or after midnight cramming in work/studying. However, this will change, and because you are being forced to wake up earlier than usual, you will naturally start wanting to go to bed at an early time. There will be no time for procrastinating, and you will want to get your work done early so that you have time (if there is any) to relax. Ultimately you will have a great and consistent sleep schedule!

This Winter quarter at SCAD I have had 8 AMs every school day, and three studio classes to fill my schedule. Though most people would say I’m crazy, here is what I’ve learned from this all:

1. I now have a better understanding of how to keep up with the huge workload that is given to me. I believe it is great preparation for when I’ll actually be working in my field of study.

2. Now, I can fully balance a work life with a social one. Yes, school comes first, and I make sure my work is complete before doing recreational activities. However, whether it’s going to a cafe, grabbing a bite to eat with friends, going shopping, or even just staying in bed to watch a movie, it is nice to take a break once in awhile to destress.

3. Waking up early is better than waking up later! Even on the weekends I find myself waking up early (not as early for class, though). Getting up early essentially means you have the whole day to get a million things done and explore what the world has to offer you!

Before this quarter, I never felt like I could be awake enough to function by 8am everyday, but it’s more than possible with a little readjusting. Morning classes don’t stand a chance against us collegiates!


Images in order by/from:

Lacie Slezak https://stocksnap.io/photo/2RN2VC8C0Y

Unsplash https://www.pexels.com/photo/numbers-time-watch-white-1778/

Snufkin https://www.pexels.com/photo/high-angle-view-of-shoes-322207/

Leah Kelley https://www.pexels.com/photo/blur-breakfast-caffeine-cappuccino-239332/

Unsplah https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-working-at-desk-with-white-documents-28462/

Stokpic https://www.pexels.com/photo/restaurant-person-woman-coffee-6481/

Mariya Tyutina https://www.pexels.com/photo/adult-back-view-beautiful-blur-241558/


Tajiya is pursuing her B.F.A. in Fashion Design at the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). Although she has a "passion for fashion" she has other interests that she finds of importance and loves to write about them.