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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

Here I go again rushing to be loved & to love 

Wanting the feelings of sentimental affection but not wanting to cuff.


What if What I  want changes , what if we seperate And only talk depending on what the day is…


I wish I could tell the future & past…..

Writing our story like history class & we laugh ..


To young to understand these commitment issues but understanding these are the lives we choose.


It’s something about broken people , I fall for feeling equal. 

I can’t explain that pain, I can’t explain why the salt in your tears calm me like unforgiving rain. 


I guess it’s the realism in your heart that engulfs me but real ain’t always perfect that’s why I always count to three.


1st chance to see if you break me

2nd Chance to see if you hate me

3rd Chance to see if you change me 


I can’t describe these feelings 

But saying I love you too fast is my worst fear x a billion.

Akiele Nelson

Savannah '24

Currently An undergraduate junior at the University by the Sea, Savannah state studying Middle Grade education & a minor in Behavioral Analysis. I, Akiele Nelson am a poet, writer & romantic. Hopefully you enjoy my content, feel something and maybe relate to my words. They say a poet is first firstly, a person passionately in love with language.