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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

by Jada Owens

  Life can be chaotic at times, particularly as a college student. These things could be due to employment, outside aspirations outside of school, or simply wondering how your future would turn out. I believe that the only way to avoid chaos is to prioritize God; without God, nothing is conceivable. The second step is to practice time management by creating a timetable for when you can complete your schoolwork, talk to family and friends, and do whatever else you need to do outside of school. Third, take the time you need for yourself. Sometimes we are so busy and on the go that we have no time to rest, yet we have every right to rest. Take your time to relax to avoid stress and recharge for whatever comes next. The fourth step is to take care of your health, which includes eating healthily, staying hydrated, taking your vitamins, and exercising—or engaging in any other activity that helps you decompress and clear your head. Even though life can be chaotic, it can be lot better with these four crucial things. Always remember that anything you are going through right now will be worthwhile in the end. 

Jada Owens

Savannah '25

Hello to everyone! Jada is my name. I am a sophomore political science major at Savannah State University. I'm an extroverted individual that enjoys inspiring and encouraging our people!