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Living Alone? Cheap Ways to Combat the Single-Room Blues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

This semester, I was able to move into my own single room. This was a big change for me, and it was the first time I’d ever lived alone. I absolutely love the independence and safe space I have now, but one of the biggest challenges is being by myself most of the time. After talking with a few of my friends, I noticed that one of their biggest struggles as well as finding ways to occupy their time when they’re not in class so they don’t feel so isolated. For this month’s article, here are a few tips and tricks I’ve gathered along the way to not feel so alone.

Paint Like a Kid

As cheesy as it sounds, this has been a lifesaver for me. I used to paint and draw when I was younger, and I’ve found that expressing myself through art has been so helpful. I picked up a cheap 10-pack of paints at Walmart and then drove over to Dollar Tree for some construction paper and paintbrushes. In total, I didn’t spend more than $20. I love to draw random lines and shapes with all the different colors and watch as it becomes a really cool masterpiece. I even hang them up in my room, and it makes some really cool decorations.

Start a Journal

Especially during the winter months, it’s really easy to fall into a depressive episode. I started a journal last month just to jot down how I was feeling from day to day. I went to the Dollar Tree and picked up a little notebook, and as I’m winding down for the night I write a little bit about how my day went. At first, it was really intimidating to me because I didn’t have the time or energy to fill up a whole page every day, but that’s ok! I keep the notebook on my desk, so when I pass by it I remember to write something down. I even started writing some poetry when I’m feeling inspired. When I’m feeling really isolated, I love to look back and read all the old memories in it, and it reminds me how many wonderful things I’m still able to experience. 

Have a Dance Party

I love on Fridays after I’m done with all my classes and work for the week, turning on my favorite playlist and just dancing around my room. I’ve attached one of my favorites below this section. A lot of times, it puts me in such a good mood, and it makes things like folding clothes or cleaning up so much easier. 

Call Your Family

I know that with how busy college can get and it’s hard to remember to call home once in a while. Especially with such differing schedules, it’s really difficult to find a time that works for everyone. However, most people are free on the weekends, so make it a plan to call your family then. Oftentimes, a single phone call to catch up about the week is all it takes to brighten your day. I know my family really appreciates the gesture, and I always feel a little extra loved after the phone call is done. The best part is, it’s free!

Hope this helps! :)

she/her/hers Psychology Major full-time plant mom <3