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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAIC chapter.

When I was a little girl 

mumbling about the nonsense all day 

Telling you about everything in my brain 

You listened.

That must have been sweet.


When I was a little older

I began to dream 

Telling you about how I want to do all the great things 

You listened.

People must think you were crazy.


Then I was changing a little 

I was cynical and bitter 

I rant and vent to you about the tiniest things

You listened.

You must’ve been blaming yourself


Then I went away from you 

One night you pick up a call from me 

You were my last hope

I was scared to hell

For hours I cried,

Telling you about how I wanted to leave everything behind 

For hours, you listened.

You heart must’ve been torn part.


All theses years 

All these worlds 

All these times I though you weren’t on my side

You listened.

Writer, student of Visual and Critical Studies, artist in various mediums. Representing (and missing) Ecuador from Chicago. Believes in feminism, social activism and taking care of our planet.