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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAIC chapter.


My feelings for you have been so hot and cold since I met you; from the beginning you played games, but I played the fool. I was blinded by what I thought could be my first love. No prior experience and no desire to ask for help, I kept letting you come back. I had no idea that behind my back you weren’t just stabbing me you sliced me right in half. And I didn’t even hear from you, people had to tell me what you did, how did I not know I was walking this world dead? I’ve decided that you are no longer for me. I’ve heard a lot about you lately, and how you have treated other ladies. Since I’ve stopped thinking about you I’ve felt so clean. So, goodbye, Baby. You can keep the:

Graphic novel,

Comic book,

Angel t-shirt,

Metal record,


Purple toothbrush,




Fair Lady




Writer, student of Visual and Critical Studies, artist in various mediums. Representing (and missing) Ecuador from Chicago. Believes in feminism, social activism and taking care of our planet.