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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.


       Let’s be honest, this pandemic is affecting us all in so many indescribable ways. Some are seniors missing out on their last few moments, some are losing their jobs, some are going to struggle finding a job, and some are even working overtime to care for Coronavirus victims. Although this situation can be discouraging and hard to navigate, there are still several things about life that we should be thankful for, especially during these tough times.

post it wall of love
Kyle Glenn



       ​Let’s give thanks to all of those people that have supported us throughout this rocky time! This can be anyone from your parents, to your sorority sisters, or even your dog! Lending a helping hand during this time speaks volumes, and it shows that we, indeed, are still human during this fight for freedom. Helping each other as much as possible makes this whole situation a little more bearable.

pug in a blanket


Our Teachers, Classmates, and Peers

       Our schools have gone above and beyond to ensure we all pass the semester with great GPA’s and have provided us the proper resources for our educational success. Changing multiple syllabi as well as thinking of fun and interactive ways to participate in online lectures is difficult, so we have to thank our schools’ for becoming so incredibly understanding and flexible during this pandemic! #rollpios 

MacBook Air beside gold-colored study lamp and spiral books
Arnel Hasanovic / Unsplash


       I know these are only two aspects of life, but they surely go a long way. As the president of HC- it broke my heart to learn that weekly meetings had to be cancelled, all the events we had planned have to be postponed, and my few last moments as a senior member have to be taken away from me. But, I do know this is all for the better of our world. Staying positive is the key to fighting this virus, and holding our friends accountable for maintaining their health and routine also speaks volumes! Stay resilient while flattening the curve! It may be hard now, but all of this will heal our planet. They say nothing worth having comes easy. I know we can all do this together! Sending love, health and prayers during this time!

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Nina Lauria

Sacred Heart

Nina is a Biology major with a Chemistry minor on the Physician's Assistant track. She has always loved medicine just as much as fashion and blogging. Nina hopes to one day concentrate in Pediatric Oncology and help find a cure for cancer!
Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart '24

The official contributor profile for the Her Campus chapter at Sacred Heart.