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6 Ways to De-Stress this Semester

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

With the fall semester being more than halfway done, it is easy to become wrapped up in the chaos of stressful schoolwork and obligations. While assignments and extracurriculars are important, the key to success is self-care. So, I’ve cultivated a list of my favorite ways to make sure that I put myself first throughout the semester. 

  1. Write your Heart Out

I’ve always had a particular interest in writing, but upon coming to college, I’ve found it to have a more therapeutic effect than ever before. Despite multiple writing assignments per week, as a journalism major, I still find comfort in sitting down with a journal and writing. Whether it be taking note of what occurred today, what is on your nerves, or just quoting a song lyric, journaling is one of the best ways to unwind during a tough week. 

  1. Go for a Walk or Run

This is a multi-faceted choice to take some stress off. Firstly, I find that getting some fresh air, even for five minutes, instantly relaxes me. Life’s problems feel much smaller when you step into nature. Secondly, getting your body moving is extremely beneficial. Even if it is pouring rain and going outside isn’t much of an option, just hopping on the treadmill for a bit is a great feeling. Regardless, taking a walk or run can be one of the most best ways to step away from schoolwork.

  1. Cuddle Up with a Book or Movie

Reading and movie-watching are the two most classic ways to relieve stress. Sometimes, you simply need a distraction from your own life, and sinking into a good read or watch works wonders! You can plan a movie night and cuddle up with your roomies, boyfriend, or all by yourself. Even if just for an hour, this is the perfect way to take a step back from college stress. 

  1. Coloring

This may be a bit more of a niche option, but I’ve truly been loving coloring lately. It is a pretty cheap hobby, requiring only a coloring book or even printing some pages from online, and some sort of coloring tool. Chances are you can dig up some markers or colored pencils somewhere in your closet. It is a mindless and calming activity to sink back into that feeling of being a little kid. Plus, depending on what your assignments require, you may even be able to do this while watching a documentary for class. Coloring is a great option to take your mind off things!

  1. Play Video Games

Playing video games may not be the most classic way to de-stress, but it is one of my personal favorites! This can mean anything from downloading a silly free game on your phone, or buying a Nintendo Switch and investing more into the hobby. Many games allow you to devote as much time as you’d like to them which is why this is a great option. You can spend five minutes or five hours playing your favorite game, and stepping into a new reality outside of the busy one you’re living in.   

  1. Treat Yourself!

If all else fails, do what every college girl loves to do, and give yourself a little treat! Whether it be a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte to start your day or a McDonalds McFlurry for dessert, the options are almost endless. Sometimes all you need is a sweet treat to get you through the day. 

This list just begins to scratch the surface of all the tools that you can use to relax throughout each stressful week. No matter how busy college life can get, it truly is the most important to take care of your own well-being.

Valentina Massoni

Sacred Heart '25

I am a junior at Sacred Heart University majoring in Media Arts: Journalism with a minor in Film & TV. At Sacred Heart, I am currently a Spotlight co-editor for the Spectrum Newspaper, as well as the Recruitment chair for the Figure Skating team.